Page 241 - 2020 October 8 HK Fine Classical Paintings
P. 241


 PROPERTY FROM AN IMPORTANT COLLECTION  此案結構雋朗,紋飾清秀,作卷葉紋牙頭、雙鳳紋棖  This elegant and perfectly proportioned table is striking for   the most significant piece of furniture in the scholar’s studio.
 A LARGE HUANGHUALI TIELIMU-INSET   子及冰盤沿線腳,皆證十七世紀中國木匠之鬼斧神  its exquisitely carved design. From the curling leaves on the   Their height was carefully calibrated to allow a scholar or artist
 PAINTING TABLE, PINGTOUAN   工。  spandrels, the confronting phoenix between the legs and the   to stand and freely move his brush, and they were generally
 MING DYNASTY, 17TH CENTURY  beaded edges, this table testifies to the exceptional skill of   devoid of drawers or stretchers on the long sides, which would
 平頭案素來無飾,如同場編號64。案上雕紋者,殊為  Chinese woodcarvers and cabinet-makers in the 17th century.  have made them uncomfortable when seating on a chair. The
 the rectangular framed top of mitre, mortise and tennoned   罕有,乃無類例見載,比一畫案,尺寸稍小,牙頭作  The elaborately carved surfaces make this table particularly   wood from which they were fashioned was of great importance
 construction inset with a tielimu panel forming a flush surface,   rare, as tables of this form are generally undecorated, such   for scholars, who sought strength and beautiful grain patterns.
 above plain aprons and foliate-form spandrels, continuing to   鳳紋,腿足間安透雕雙鳳寬牙子,攻玉山房舊藏,售  as lot 64 offered in this sale. While no closely related example   The clever combination of the golden-hued huanghuali
 beaded legs of rectangular section, joined on the shorter sides   於香港蘇富比2015年10月7日,編號125。精雕牙頭而  appears to have been published, this piece shares similarities   and darker tielimu for the table top of this piece creates an
 by two openwork panels carved with a pair of confronting   簡作棖子者,可比數例:一例,售於紐約蘇富比2013  with a smaller painting table with phoenix spandrels and the   attractive contrast that would be particularly desirable.
 stylised phoenix  年9月17/18日,編號210;紐約佳士得亦售兩例,其  stretchers carved as confronting chilong, from the collection   Tables with legs not at the corners but recessed represent
 266 by 67.5 by h. 81.5 cm, 104¾ by 26½ by h. 32 in.
 一,畢格史伉儷舊藏,1997年9月18日,編號15,其  of S.Y. Yip, sold in these rooms, 7th October 2015, lot 125.   a classic and highly recognisable Ming dynasty design. They
 PROVENANCE  二,Gangolf Geis 舊藏,2003年9月18日,編號39。  Examples of tables with elaborately carved spandrels, but plain   have historically been referred to as ‘character one’ tables, as
            stretchers are known: see one sold in our New York rooms,   the Chinese character for the word ‘one’ is written as a single
 Christie’s Hong Kong, 31st October 1994, lot 418.  17th/18th September 2013, lot 210; and two sold at Christie’s   horizontal stroke, giving a graphic image of their form. Inspired
 長寬比例分明,可供讀寫,既實用,又美觀,為文  New York, the first from the collection of Mr and Mrs Robert P.   by classical Chinese wood buildings, this design was very
 人雅士書齋必備。高矮恰到好處,案前墨客可揮筆  Piccus, 18th September 1997, lot 15, and the second from the   popular from the Song dynasty (960-1279) onwards, often
 ◉  HK$ 3,000,000-5,000,000    自如,且不設抽屜,長邊無棖,以免坐椅之人使用不  Gangolf Geis collection, 18th September 2003, lot 39.
 US$ 387,000-645,000                                    appearing on woodblock printed books and paintings. One of
 便。所用木料亦頗多講究,以木質堅韌、肌理秀美為  Tables of such prominent length and depth were used in   the most enduring and successful designs in classical Chinese
 上。黃花梨色澤金黃,鐵梨木色澤沈穩,桌面合二為  the study as modern desks. They were designed to be both   furniture, the spare minimalist lines of these tables have a
 一,相得益彰。    functional and aesthetically pleasing, and were considered   timeless elegance.
 明十七世紀   黃花梨嵌鐵梨木夾頭榫平頭案
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