Page 72 - 2020 October 8 HK Fine Classical Paintings
P. 72


          PROPERTY FROM THE HEI-CHI COLLECTION       西周   人龍合璧玉珮
          WESTERN ZHOU DYNASTY                       商代晚期,青銅、玉石禮器一時變化萬象,推陳
          skilfully rendered in openwork as three stylised horned   出新,其中有曲膝神人玉飾一類,如婦好墓出土
          dragons and two humanoid heads, the coiling bodies of the   鳳冠神人珮,見《王后,母親,女將:紀念殷墟
          beasts exquisitely picked out with scrollwork echoing the   婦好墓考古發掘四十週年》,北京,2016年,頁7
          outlines of the pendant, pierced through with an aperture  (1976AXTM5:470)。此珮採美玉、琢神人,見商代餘
          7.1 cm, 2¾ in.
          HK$ 400,000-600,000                        參考山西曲沃縣晉侯墓出土相類人形飾,透雕三龍一
          US$ 52,000-77,500                          人,收錄在《中國出土玉器全集》,卷3:山西,北
          The late Shang dynasty period saw a revolutionary change in   地博物館均有藏蓄,但私人珍存寥寥可數,玉質可與
          aesthetic style in ritual bronzes and jades. Among the novelties   此媲美者,更罕。東西軒舊藏一璜形人龍合璧珮,形
          were jade plaques decorated with humanoid motif, such as   雖異,質相類,2016年3月17日在紐約佳士得易手,編
          a pendant in the form of a crowned human with bent limbs
          unearthed from the tomb of Fu Hao (c. 1200 BC), included   號911。
          in the exhibition Queen, Mother, General: 40th Anniversary
          of Excavating the Shang Tomb of Fu Hao, Beijing, 2016, p. 7   同類之物,西周時或屬組珮玉飾,見陝西扶風強家村
          (1976AXTM5:470).                           出土四璜聯珠組玉珮,中央有一相類玉飾,見台北
          The present pendant, reminiscent of the Shang prototypes,   故宮展覽《赫赫宗周:西周文化特展》,台北,2014
          ingeniously incorporates two human heads and two dragons   年,編號119。
          on the upper section, atop curled-up human legs terminating
          in claws and a further dragon with a coiled tail. See a
          similarly reticulated jade plaque recovered from the tomb
          of the Marquis of State Jin, Quwo, Shanxi, decorated with a
          single human and three dragons, published in The Complete
          Collection of Jades Unearthed in China, vol. 3: Shanxi, Beijing,
          2005, pl. 116. Although a variety of human-dragon plaques can
          be found in public collections across China, few are in private
          hands and examples made of translucent jade such as the
          present piece are even rarer. Compare a related huang-shaped
          ornament from the Dongxi Studio collection, different in form
          but of comparable quality, sold at Christie’s New York, 17th
          March 2016, lot 911.
          In the Western Zhou dynasty, this type of plaque probably
          formed parts of ritual necklace sets; see an elaborate set with
          a related plaque excavated from Qiangjiacun, Fufeng, Shaanxi,
          exhibited in The Cultural Grandeur of the Western Zhou
          Dynasty, National Palace Museum, Taipei, 2014, cat. no. 119.

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