Page 77 - 2020 October 8 HK Fine Classical Paintings
P. 77

 Regina Krahl

 The love and connoisseurship of black-glazed tea bowls from   建窰黑釉茶盌之賞鑑,與日本茶道宗師與收藏家息息
 Fujian is intimately connected with the homage paid to these   相關,在日本,宋代建窰茶盞廣得崇敬愛慕,其日文
 ceramics by Japanese collectors and tea masters. In Japan,   名稱「天目」也隨之流傳千里,成為現今通稱此類黑
 ‘Jian’ ware tea bowls were revered virtually from the moment   釉器盞之名。
 they left the kilns in the Song dynasty (960-1279), and the
 Japanese term tenmoku (or temmoku) is now universally
 accepted for these bowls, as lasting testimony of this   古時,黑釉茶盞多藏於佛寺,用之奉茶以養身心,茶
 reverence.  盌質樸素雅,合適作為供佛儀典之器。盞沿下一圈微
 Black tea bowls were particularly appreciated in Buddhist   斂,為持用方便而設,胎厚紮實,保茶汁溫熱而不燙
 monasteries, where tea was drunk for its beneficial effects   手,釉黑潤亮,托襯宋時點茶擊拂茶水後,所得茶面
 on body and mind as well as ritually offered to the Buddha.   細沫,白黑相映,瞬息美哉。
 Their seemingly humble aspect made them particularly
 appropriate in this context. The groove below the rim made   點茶法保存於日本茶道傳統,黑釉建盞則與浙江臨安
 them comfortable to hold, their heavy potting had an insulating
 effect, keeping the tea inside hot while protecting the fingers   天目山淵源深遠,天目山以高聳日本古松聞名,乾隆
 outside from the heat, and their dark interiors made for a   帝南巡亦曾造訪,天目茶現仍馳名。宋時,日本僧人
 striking contrast with the white froth of whipped tea.  或許將天目盞與福建產茶一起帶回本國寺院,傳承至
 In Japan, where whipped tea continues to be ritually prepared   今依舊深受敬仰,數件已定為國寶文物。
 and consumed in the Tea Ceremony, black ‘Jian’ tea bowls
 became associated with monasteries in the Tianmu (Japanese:   福建建陽窰致力於燒製茶盞,年年進貢內廷,宋徽宗
 temmoku) mountain range in Lin’an county, north Zhejiang   重文愛藝,茶學造詣且精,對於建陽茶盞亦是傾愛不
 province, now a nature reserve still famous for its Tianmu
 tea. Tenmoku tea bowls were probably brought to Japan   已。
 together with Fujian tea by Buddhist monks visiting Chinese
 monasteries in the Song dynasty. They are still worshipped   建盞黑釉耀眼,釉色變化多樣,窰燒時,釉裡氣泡爆
 in Japan today, several of them having gained the rank of   裂,流釉成絲絲細紋,稱之兔毫(日文「禾目」),
 National Treasures.   或釉面圓點緻密之樣,稱為油滴(日文「油滴」),
 The Jianyang kilns of Fujian, which produced nothing but tea   色調紅褐至耀藍皆可見,褐釉兔毫可說最具代表性,
 bowls, annually supplied them as tribute to the court and   泛藍油滴釉則是盛名且罕見,二者之間可見無數種釉
 the Huizong Emperor (r. 1101-1125), one of China’s greatest
 imperial art lovers, patrons and tea connoisseurs, is known to   色變化,決定建盞之價值與魅力。此件兔毫茶盞釉色
 have been fond of them.              亮澤,金銅色細毫隱隱閃耀銀光,乃禾目品類中最珍
 The striking black glazes can show various different effects,
 when air bubbles in the glaze burst, leaving a pattern of
 streaks, compared to hare’s fur (Japanese nogime), or spots   《唐物天目》,茶道資料館,京都,1994年,收錄一
 compared to oil spots (Japanese yuteki), that can range in tone   系列天目盞,包括數件日本國寶及福建出土作例,其
 from rust brown to metallic blue. While pieces with rust-brown   中京都國立博物館與德川美術館藏禾目建盞,類同此
 ‘hare’s fur’ streaks are the best known and most characteristic   件拍品,銅褐色細毫泛銀輝,頁19ff,圖版10、13、15
 ‘Jian’ ware tea bowls, those with bluish ‘oil spots’ are the rarest
 and most celebrated. In between, there exists an endless   、16。成功燒出如此釉色者甚少,建窰遺址碎片堆中
 variety of different glaze effects, for which no specific names   亦是少見,僅發現寥寥數例,刊於前述出處,頁64ff,
 have been coined, which determine the relative desirability   圖版47右下、48、61,頁103,參考圖版E。
 of ‘Jian’ tea bowls. With its sparkling glaze interspersed with
 metallic silvery to coppery steaks, the present bowl is among
 the rarest and most highly coveted nogime examples.
 A wide range of different temmoku bowls is published in
 Tōbutsu temmoku [Import commodity ‘temmoku’], Chadō
 Shiryōkan, Kyoto, 1994, including some of the finest examples
 preserved in Japan as well as bowls excavated in Fujian
 province. Among the former, most closely reminiscent of the
 present bowl, also with metallic shimmering, copper-coloured
 streaks, are bowls from the Kyoto National Museum and the
 Tokugawa Art Museum, pp.19ff, pls 10, 13, 15, 16. This effect
 of the iron-brown specks taking on this metallic sheen is so
 rare that it is hardly encountered among the many wasters
 found at the kiln site, and only a few comparable fragments are
 illustrated ibid., pp. 64ff., pls 47 bottom right, 48 and 61, and p.
 103, reference pl. E.

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