Page 113 - Sotheby's Asia Week March 2024 Chinee Art
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           A CANTON ENAMEL ‘EUROPEAN SUBJECT’        清乾隆 銅胎畫琺瑯西洋人物圖鼻烟壺                                                             A FAMILLE-ROSE ‘SCHOLAR’ SNUFF BOTTLE,    清道光 粉彩高士圖鼻烟壺 《道光年製》款
           SNUFF BOTTLE, MARK AND PERIOD OF          《乾隆年製》款                                                                       SEAL MARK AND PERIOD OF DAOGUANG
           QIANLONG                                                                                                                the base with a four-character seal mark in iron red, stopper (2)  出版:
           the base with four-character mark in blue enamel, stopper   出版:                                                         Height 2¼ in., 5.7 cm                     許建勳,《An Addicted Dedication: Chinese Snuff
           (2)                                       許建勳,《An Addicted Dedication: Chinese Snuff                                                                              bottles Christopher Sin’s Collection》,卷一,香
           Height 1⅞ in., 4.8 cm                                                                                                   LITERATURE                                港,2013年,圖版210
                                                     bottles Christopher Sin’s Collection》,卷一,香                                    Humphrey Hui, An Addicted Dedication: Chinese Snuff bottles
           LITERATURE                                港,2013年,圖版354                                                                 Christopher Sin’s Collection, vol. I, Hong Kong, 2013, pl. 210.
           Humphrey Hui, An Addicted Dedication: Chinese Snuff bottles
           Christopher Sin’s Collection, vol. I, Hong Kong, 2013, pl. 354.                                                         ⊖  $ 4,000-6,000
           A closely related European-subject snuff bottle from the
           Tuyet Nguyet and Stephen Markbreiter Collection illustrated
           in Christopher Sin, Humphrey Hui, and Po Ming Kwong, ed.,
           A Congregation of Snuff Bottle Connoisseurs: An Exhibition of
           Chinese Snuff Bottles, Tsui Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1996,
           cat. no. 231, was sold in our Hong Kong rooms, 4th June
           2021, lot 1012.
           ⊖  $ 20,000-30,000

           222     SOTHEBY’S        COMPLETE CATALOGUING AVAILABLE AT SOTHEBYS.COM/N11410                                                                                       SNUFF BOTTLES FROM THE CHRISTOPHER SIN COLLECTION  223
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