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           AN INSCRIBED CHALCEDONY ‘SU WU’ SNUFF     清十八 / 十九世紀 蘇作瑪瑙巧雕蘇武牧羊                                                         TWO CARVED AND INSCRIBED COCONUT          清 椰殼刻字鼻煙壺兩件
           BOTTLE, SUZHOU, SCHOOL OF ZHITING, QING   圖鼻煙壺                                                                          SHELL SNUFF BOTTLES, QING DYNASTY
           DYNASTY, 18TH / 19TH CENTURY
                                                                                                                                   (2)                                       展覽:
           stopper (2)                               題識:                                                                           Height of taller 2½ in., 6.2 cm           《壺趣集慶:中國鼻煙壺展》,徐氏藝術館,香
           Height 2¼ in., 5.8 cm
                                                     海上放羊十九年                                                                                                                 港,1996年,編號331
           EXHIBITED                                                                                                               A Congregation of Snuff Bottle Connoisseurs: An Exhibition of
           Heavenly Creations, University Museum and Art Gallery, The   展覽:                                                        Chinese Snuff Bottles, Tsui Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1996,   出版:
           University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2005, cat. no. 246.  《天地造化》,香港大學美術博物館,香港,2005                                       cat. no. 331.                             許建勳,《An Addicted Dedication: Chinese Snuff
                                                     年,編號246                                                                                                                 bottles Christopher Sin’s Collection》,卷一,香
           LITERATURE                                                                                                              LITERATURE                                港,2013年,圖版331及332
           Humphrey Hui, An Addicted Dedication: Chinese Snuff bottles   出版:                                                       Humphrey Hui, An Addicted Dedication: Chinese Snuff
           Christopher Sin’s Collection, vol. I, Hong Kong, 2013, pl. 263.
                                                     許建勳,《An Addicted Dedication: Chinese Snuff                                    bottles Christopher Sin’s Collection, vol. I, Hong Kong, 2013,
           The present bottle is a masterpiece of Suzhou agate snuff   bottles Christopher Sin’s Collection》,卷一,香                  pls 331 and 332.
           bottles. Created by a highly imaginative and skilled carver,   港,2013年,圖版263                                            The first bottle, signed by Ju Min in 1820, is carved with an
           the abstract inclusions of variant tones of dark and lighter                                                            eight-character inscription in archaic script. The second
           brown have been intricately incorporated into a lively exterior                                                         bottle features lily flowers meticulously incised on its face
           scene depicting Su Wu tending two sheep beneath a pine                                                                  and an inscription etched onto its reverse. See a similar snuff
           tree, the reverse with sheep, lingzhi and clouds.                                                                       bottle sold in these rooms from the Joe Grimberg Collection,
           The inscription reads haishang fangyang shijiu nian, which                                                              14th September 2010, lot 2.
           translates as ‘tending sheep in Beihai for nineteen years’.                                                             ⊖  $ 3,000-5,000
           Su Wu was an official of the Western Han dynasty, who was
           kept captive by the Xiongnu after leading a peace delegation
           there. The present bottle depicts his life there.
           There is a broad range of Suzhou agate bottles, but one
           of the distinguishing characteristics of the Zhiting School
           bottles is the serrated style of rocks, which is clearly visible
           in the present lot. Zhiting is the name of a Suzhou artist, who
           signed his name to works at some time during the early to
           mid-eighteenth century. The school worked in jade, agate
           and crystal. For other examples, see two from the Mary
           and George Bloch Collection sold in our Hong Kong rooms,
           the first carved with a man picking lingzhi, sold 27th May
           2013, lot 128, the second carved with a scholar and horse,
           sold 25th May 2014, lot 1094. See also another inscribed
           Suzhou agate snuff bottle sold in our Hong Kong rooms,
           9th February 2021, lot 3050.

           ⊖  $ 10,000-15,000

           224     SOTHEBY’S        COMPLETE CATALOGUING AVAILABLE AT SOTHEBYS.COM/N11410                                                                                       SNUFF BOTTLES FROM THE CHRISTOPHER SIN COLLECTION  225
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