Page 94 - Sotheby's Asia Week March 2024 Chinee Art
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                                                                    A GILT-BRONZE SEATED FIGURE OF BUDDHA,                         PROPERTY FROM A DISTINGUISHED JAPANESE    唐 銅鎏金觀音菩薩立像
                                                                    MING DYNASTY                                                   COLLECTION
                                                                    wood stand (2)                                                 A GILT-BRONZE FIGURE OF                   展覽:
                                                                    Height 10¼ in., 26 cm                                          AVALOKITESHVARA, TANG DYNASTY             《隋唐時代の金銅仏》,和泉市久保惣記念美術
                                                                                                                                   Japanese wood box (3)                     館,1993年,編號170
                                                                                                                                   Height 9¾ in., 24.7 cm
                                                                    Florida Private Collection.
                                                                    $ 20,000-30,000
                                                                                                                                   Gilt Bronze Buddhas in Sui-Tang Dynasty, Kuboso Memorial
                                                                                                                                   Museum, Izumi, 1993, cat. no. 170.
                                                                    明 銅鎏金佛坐像
                                                                                                                                   This elegant bodhisattva, depicted standing in tribhanga on
                                                                                                                                   a waisted lotus pedestal and stepped rectangular base, is
                                                                    來源:                                                            adorned in a long dhoti and fluttering scarves. The kundika in
                                                                    佛州私人收藏                                                         the left hand, and the willow branch in the right, identify the
                                                                                                                                   figure as the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara. The contours of
                                                                                                                                   the slender body are well defined, characteristic of Buddhist
                                                                                                                                   sculpture in the high Tang dynasty. The curving form of
                                                                                                                                   the deity’s torso achieves an almost dancelike movement.
                                                                                                                                   This highly recognizable stylistic element of the swayed-
                                                                                                                                   hip posture became especially popular during the reign of
                                                                                                                                   Emperor Xuanzong (712-756), when sculptures in general
                                                                                                                                   became more dynamic in their design.
                                                                                                                                   ⊖  $ 20,000-30,000


                                                                    PROPERTY FROM A DISTINGUISHED NORTH AMERICAN
                                                                    A GILT-BRONZE FIGURE OF AMITAYUS, MARK
                                                                    AND PERIOD OF QIANLONG, DATED GENGYIN
                                                                    YEAR, CORRESPONDING TO 1770
                                                                    the stand with a nine-character inscription reading Daqing
                                                                    Qianlong gengyin nian jingzao (made in the gengyin year
                                                                    of the Qianlong period of the Great Qing dynasty), the
                                                                    interior of the stand with three-characters inscribed reading
                                                                    Dingzhou Liu (Liu family of Ding county), a seal mark reading
                                                                    Bao (Treasure), and a unidentified marking indicating the
                                                                    location of its original placement
                                                                    Height 8¼ in., 21.1 cm
                                                                    American Private Collection.
                                                                    Acquired in the 1950s, and thence by descent.
                                                                    ⊖  $ 5,000-7,000
                                                                    清乾隆 庚寅年 (1770年)  銅鎏金無量壽佛坐
                                                                    像 《大清乾隆庚寅年敬造》款


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