Page 38 - A Time and A Place Catalogue, Jorge Welsh
P. 38

FIG. 22

     The diary of Samuel Pepys (…) mentions             Member of Parliament, mentions several walks           Fig. 22
     several walks he took with his wife and friends    he took with his wife and friends to and in the
     to and in the New Spring Gardens at ‘Fox           New Spring Gardens at ‘Fox Hall’. On the 28th          Johann Sebastian Müller
     Hall’. (…) On 11th May 1668, Pepys ‘took           of May 1667, Pepys walked ‘in Spring Garden.           (1715-1792) after Samuel
     Mercer by water to Spring Garden;                  A Great deal of company, and the weather and           Wale (1721-1786), Vauxhall
     and there with great pleasure walked,              garden pleasant: that it is very pleasant and cheap    Gardens showing the Grand
     and eat, and drank, and sang (…)’                  going thither, for a man may go to spend what          Walk at the Entrance of the
                                                        he will, or nothing, all is one. But to hear the       Garden and the Orchestra
     → Vauxhall Gardens, located on the outskirts       nightingale and other birds, and here fiddles,         with Musick Playing
     of London, on the south bank of the River Thames,  and there a harp, and here a Jew’s trump,              Etching and engraving
     was known as New Spring Gardens prior to 1728.     and here laughing, and there fine people walking,      1751
     It was first mentioned in 1661 by John Evelyn      is mighty divertising’.3 On 11th May 1668, Pepys
     (1620-1706), an English writer, who ‘went to       ‘took Mercer by water to Spring Garden; and there      Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund
     see the new Spring-Garden, at Lambeth, a pretty    with great pleasure walked, and eat, and drank,        © National Gallery of Art,
     contriv’d plantation’.2 The diary of Samuel Pepys  and sang, making people come about us, to hear us,     Washington
     (1633-1703), an English naval administrator and    and two little children of one of our neighbours that
                                                        happened to be there, did come into our arbour,
                                                        and we made them dance prettily’.4 →

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