Page 42 - A Time and A Place Catalogue, Jorge Welsh
P. 42

The building’s         → In 1728, Jonathan Tyers (1702-1767) obtained         demolished, and the garden’s landscape began
     design was of utmost   the New Spring Garden by lease from Elizabeth          to be reinstated. Today, it is a public park with
     importance, as,        Masters, and by 1732, he began to renovate it,         sports facilities where events are held.
     not only had it to     building a bandstand in the centre, surrounded
     be appropriate         on three sides by oval colonnades with supper          The London Foundling Hospital was founded
     as a shelter for       boxes, a pavilion and a rotunda.5 George Frideric      ‘for the Maintenance and Education of Exposed
     abandoned children,    Handel (1685-1759), whose statue was erected           and Deserted Young Children’ in 1739 by
     but also it had to be  in the garden, gave concerts at the bandstand          Thomas Coram (ca. 1668-1751), a sea captain
     a destination where    of Vauxhall; William Hogarth (1697-1764),              and philanthropist, born in Dorset. Coram was
     the fashionable        adorned the ‘supper boxes’ with his paintings,         motivated by philanthropy, which he consistently
     society of London      and Frederick Augustus, Prince of Wales                endeavoured to put into practice in many ways.
     would want to          (1707-1751), in whose honour the pavilion was          For example, his involvement in missionary work
     gather.                named, was a regular visitor. By the mid-18th          in North America, which included the construction
                            century, the renamed Vauxhall Gardens was              of parish libraries, as well as his opposition to the
                            a very popular place to visit in London, not           denial of the right of female inheritance in the
                            only by the aristocracy, but also by other social      colony.7 Coram had gained quite a reputation,
                            groups, as it was easily accessible by low-priced      as is evident from Horace Walpole’s description
                            transportation and with an admission fee of one        of him in 1735 as the ‘honestest, the most
                            shilling.6 Vauxhall Gardens was a place in the city    disinterested, & the most knowing person
                            to which people could retreat to and relax, socialize  about the plantations I ever talked with’.
                            with others, listen to concerts, and enjoy dinners
                            and entertainment.                                     The process to establish the Foundling Hospital
                                                                                   was slow. In 1727, Coram had convinced the
                            Vauxhall Gardens was closed in 1859. During            peeresses to sign a petition, and had obtained
                            the following year, its site began to be built on,     the patronage of Queen Caroline (1683-1737).
                            mostly with social housing, leading to the garden’s    In 1737, he obtained the Royal Charter from
                            fast decline. In the 1970s, these buildings were       the King’s Council, which obliged him to find

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