Page 62 - A Time and A Place Catalogue, Jorge Welsh
P. 62
Fig. 57
Tingqua (1809-1870)
The Studio of Tingqua
(and detail)
Gouache on paper
Mid-19th century
© Hong Kong Museum of Art
Collection/Photo supplied
by the Hong Kong Museum
of Art
FIG. 57
→ The several workshops in Canton that produced From the mid-19th century onwards several health,
paintings throughout the centuries, would specialise public security and social welfare measures were
in different types of subject matter, such as portraits, undertaken in the city and villages of the peninsula,
ships, city views, port scenes, street scenes and an example of which is the Guia lighthouse for the
miniatures, on various mediums such as glass, protection of maritime traffic, built in 1865. In this
ivory, canvas or paper, among others. For example, period, the first public garden in Macao, known
one of the best known and specialist painters of as the garden of São Francisco, was created on
these town landscapes was Tingqua (1809-1870). the site of the old monastery,4 and five years later,
His studio, which appears in paintings, was located a new Neoclassical building was built on the site
at 16 China Street, Canton and produced mostly of the old dependencies of the convent, for the
gouache and watercolours on canvas, miniatures accommodation of the Grémio Militar of Macao,
and pith papers in the Western style. In one of the being near the military emplacement of the Bateria
paintings representing his studio (fig. 57), several 1º Dezembro, which began to be built in 1872 below
depictions of themes, that would appeal to western the old fort of São Francisco. Around the same
buyers, are seen hanging on the walls, including period, electric lighting was installed on the
folly forts and a sketch view of Praia Grande streets near the shore. 5 →
in Macao (see detail of fig. 57).