Page 12 - Christie's Hong Kong Wang Zing Lou Collection May 30 2022
P. 12

         A FINE AND RARE BLUE AND WHITE                    清康熙   青花鳳穿花紋墩式
         ‘PHOENIX AND LOTUS’ BOWL                          雙圈六字楷書款

         DOUBLE CIRCLE AND OF THE PERIOD (1662-1722)       香港蘇富比,1990 年 5 月 15 日,拍品 127 號
         The body is decorated to the exterior with two large phoenix in flight   香港蘇富比,2000 年 5 月 2 日,拍品 661 號
         amidst scrolling lotus, all above a band of stylised lappets enclosing the
         foot. The centre of the interior is decorated with a large roundel depicting   展覽
         a ruyi-shaped cloud.                              借展明尼阿波利斯美術館,2003-2020 年
         5 3/8 in. (13.8 cm.) diam.
         HK$600,000-800,000                                Robert Jacobsen,葉佩蘭及朱湯生:《清代康雍乾宮窯瓷器:望星
         US$77,000-100,000                                 樓藏瓷》,香港,2004 年,34 至 35 頁,圖版 4 號
         PR O V EN A N C E                                 56c;玫茵堂舊藏一件宣德暗花鳳穿蓮紋盌,2013年4月3日於香港
         Sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 15 May 1990, lot 127   蘇富比拍賣,拍品35號。嘉靖年間亦有燒製,如一件嘉靖款青花鳳
         Sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 2 May 2000, lot 661  穿蓮紋盌,2015年5月13日於倫敦蘇富比拍賣,拍品280號。

         E XH IB I TE D                                    另可參考一件器形及尺寸接近的康熙青花墩式款,上繪三只鳳凰飛
         On loan to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 2003 - 2020  翔於騰雲間,2014年4月8日於香港蘇富比拍賣,拍品3128號。
         L I T E R A TUR E
         Robert Jacobsen, Ye Peilan and Julian Thompson:  Imperial Perfection.
         The Palace Porcelain of Three Chinese Emperors, Kangxi - Yongzheng -
         Qianlong, Hong Kong, 2004, pp 34, no. 4
         While the phoenix and scrolling lotus motif is often found on porcelain
         designs from the Ming and Qing dynasties, it is rare to find blue and white
         porcelain bowls from the Kangxi period with this design. The motif of two
         large phoenix in flight amongst scrolling lotus draws its inspiration from
         early Ming dynasty prototypes. Although slightly different in execution,
         this design can be found on bowls, dishes and other vessels from the
         Xuande period (1426-1435) and also in the later Ming Jiajing period (1522-
         1566). A Xuande mark and period bowl with two large phoenix amongst
         scrolling lotus on the flared sides is in the National Palace Museum, Taipei,
         is illustrated in Porcelain of the National Palace Museum, Blue and White
         Porcelain of the Ming dynasty II, part 2, Hong Kong, 1963, p. 140, pl. 56-56c.
         Another Xuande period anhua ‘phoenix and lotus’ bowl from the Meiyintang
         Collection was sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong,  The Meiyintang Collection
         Part V. An Important Selection of Imperial Chinese Porcelains, 3 April 2013,   (inside view 內部)
         lot 35. A closely related blue and white ‘phoenix’ bowl with scrolling lotus
         but of larger size from the Jiajing period was sold at Sotheby’s London,
         13 May 2015, lot 280.
         Compare to a Kangxi-marked bowl of similar form and size, decorated with
         three phoenix in flight amidst clouds, sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 8 April
         2014, lot 3128.


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