Page 11 - Christie's Hong Kong Wang Zing Lou Collection May 30 2022
P. 11

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               A FINE AND SUPERBLY DECORATED                     清康熙   鬥彩蓮池紋酒盃
               DOUCAI ‘LOTUS POND’ WINE CUP                      雙圈三行六字楷書款

               DOUBLE CIRCLE AND OF THE PERIOD (1662-1722)       入藏於 2000 年
               The delicately potted cup is decorated to the exterior of the flaring sides
               with a lotus pond, the lotus flowers elegantly highlighted in tones of iron-  展覽
               red and resting on stippled blue stems, all framed between a double-line   借展明尼阿波利斯美術館,2003-2020 年
               border encircling the mouth rim and a single-line border above the foot.
               2 3/8 in. (6 cm.) diam.                           出版
                                                                 Robert Jacobsen,葉佩蘭及朱湯生:《清代康雍乾宮窯瓷器:望星
                                                                 樓藏瓷》,香港,2004 年,122 至 123 頁,圖版 43 號
               HK$1,000,000-2,000,000                            本盌紋飾取材自成化鬥彩器。天民樓珍藏一對類似的康熙鬥彩
               US$130,000-260,000                                荷塘鴛鴦紋小盃,著錄於《天民樓藏瓷》,第二冊,香港,1987 年,
                                                                 圖 85。

               PR O V EN A N C E
               Acquired circa 2000

               E XH IB I TE D
               On loan to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 2003-2020

               L I T E R A TUR E
               Robert Jacobsen, Ye Peilan and Julian Thompson:  Imperial Perfection.
               The Palace Porcelain of Three Chinese Emperors, Kangxi - Yongzheng -
               Qianlong, Hong Kong, 2004, pp. 122, no. 43
               The decoration of the present cup is inspired by doucai porcelains from the
               Chenghua period (1465-1487). It is rare to find a Kangxi doucai cup with this
               motif. A related pair from the Tianminlou Collection, decorated with ducks
               in lotus pond, is illustrated in  Chinese Porcelain. The S.C. Ko Tianminlou
               Collection, Part II, Hong Kong, 1987, p. 130, no. 85.

                                                            (base 底部)

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