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A rhinoceros horn libation cup, Avery Brundage Collection;
               image courtesy of the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco

The imagery of scholars leisurely walking in a mountainous landscape       Similarly, during the transition between the Ming and Qing Dynasties
amidst pine and wutong forests parted by flowing streams in view           and afterwards under the rule of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, visions
of a solitary pagoda was inspired by literati paintings. These, though     reflecting on the idealised native Song Dynasty on the one hand
seemingly depicting tranquil naturalistic scenery, were in fact at times   and images of reclusion on the other hand, regained their political
a metaphor and a result of a reaction to a social and political present.   potency and symbolism, when many Ming loyalists lived in self-
Images of the private retreat proliferated among the scholar-officials     enforced retirement.
from the early Song Dynasty. When visions of the natural hierarchy         Rhinoceros horn libation cups carved with scholars amidst landscape
became metaphors for the well-regulated state. The scholars extolled       are extant in the Imperial collections; see The Complete Collection
the virtues of self-cultivation often in response to political setbacks    of Treasures of the Palace Museum: Bamboo, Wood, Ivory and
and asserted their identity as literati through poetry, calligraphy, and   Rhinoceros Horn Carvings, Beijing, 2001, pls.145, 147-148, and
painting. The images of old trees, bamboo, rocks, and retirement           201; and the National Palace Museum, Taipei, Uncanny Ingenuity
retreats created by these scholar-artists became emblems of their          and Celestial Feats - The Carvings of Ming and Qing Dynasties - Ivory
character and spirit.                                                      and Rhinoceros Horn, Taipei, 2009, pls.29, 31 and 32.

Under the Mongol Yuan Dynasty, when many educated Chinese                  It is also interesting to note the unusual form depicting the flow of
were barred from government service, the model of the Song literati        water, different from the more typical ‘scale’ like diaper ground. For
retreat evolved into an alternative culture as this disenfranchised elite  similar depiction of streams see T.Fok, Connoisseurship of Rhinoceros
transformed their estates into sites for literary gatherings and other     Horn Carving in China, Hong Kong, 1999, pls.160 and 168.
cultural pursuits. These gatherings were frequently commemorated
in paintings that, rather than presenting a realistic depiction of an
actual place, conveyed the shared cultural ideals of a reclusive
world through a symbolic shorthand in which an abode might be
represented by a humble thatched hut.

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