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The Great Union of All the Races of China
Black lacquer inlaid with mother-of-pearl depicting a group of eleven  Designed by Associate Professor Zong Zhaochun, who was based in
dancers and musicians with instruments, a basket of flowers and        the Jiangsu Institute of Art, Nanjing, and Senior Master Zhang Yu
long swirling ribbons, framed.                                         Made by Senior Masters Li Duanhua and Gao Yangmao
107cm x 48cm (42in x 19in)                                             This plaque took one year to make during 1971-1972. It was
£20,000 - 30,000                                                       exhibited at Jiangsu Provincial Arts and Crafts Exhibition of 1974 held
HK$250,000 - 370,000	           CNY200,000 - 290,000                   in the Chaotian Temple, Nanjing.
                                                                       94% of the population of China belongs to the Han ethnic group. The
1971-1972年 黑漆嵌螺鈿「民族團結」圖板                                               remaining 6% belongs to 55 recognised national minorities, which
                                                                       include the most populous Zhuang, Hui, Uyghur, Yi, Miao, Manchu,
Provenance: produced at Yangzhou and exhibited in China until          Tibetan and Mongol minorities. During the Cultural Revolution, Mao’s
the end of the Cultural Revolution, and then placed in storage at the  wife Jiang Qing, a former actress, devoted herself to a theatrical
No.1 State Lacquer Factory in Yangzhou                                 renaissance. The ‘feudalistic bourgeois rubbish’ of the traditional
Exhibited at the Olympia Fine Arts and Antiques Fair, New Art from     Peking Opera was condemned in favour of the artistic treatment of
Ancient China - Lacquer from Yangzhou, November 1998                   contemporary themes. This plaque illustrates an operatic ballet of the
A British private collection                                           same title from one such Revolutionary Modern Opera.

1998年11月出展於奧林比亞藝術及古董博覽會的《New Art from
Ancient China - lacquer from Yangzhou》展覽

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