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                                                               POTICHE COUVERTE EN PORCELAINE DE
                                                               LA FAMILLE VERTE ET IMARI
                                                               CHINE, DYNASTIE QING,
                                                               EPOQUE KANGXI (1662-1722)

                                                               La panse est harmonieusement décorée d’une aigle
                                                               bicéphale se répétant à deux reprises en alternance avec
                                                               un mon en forme de rosace pendant d’une grenade et
                                                               d’une feur de lotus épanouie, sur fond de rinceaux feuris
                                                               feuillagés abritant des oiseaux fabuleux à longue queue et
                                                               des chimères, le tout rehaussé d’or. La prise du couvercle
                                                               est en forme de lion bouddhique ; restauration au couvercle.
                                                               Hauteur : 95 cm. (37Ω in.), socle

                                                               €20,000-30,000  $22,000-33,000


                                                               Private collection from the South of France.

                                                               A LARGE VERTE-IMARI DOUBLE-HEADED EAGLE JAR
                                                               AND COVER, PROBABLY FOR THE MEXICAN MARKET

                                                               CHINA, QING DYNASTY, KANGXI PERIOD (1662-1722)

                                                               清康熙 五彩描金家族紋章蓋罐

The double-headed eagle, or Habsburg eagle, on this            Sargent, Chinese Porcelain in the Conde Collection, Mexico,
                                                               2014, no. Another covered jar, with same design but of
jar was the emblem used by The Order of St. Augustine,         smaller dimension was ofered at Christie’s New York,
and they were most likely ordered for the Spanish or New       20-21 January 2004, lot 307. Plates with the same design
Spain market. The Spanish Augustinians were established        were sold at Christie’s London, 30 April 2015, lot 117 and
in Manila in the 15th century, and soon after in Macao,        Christie’s New York, 21 January 2003, lot 280; William
Mexico and India, during which time they made their frst of    Sargent mentions that a shard of Imari-decorated Chinese
several expeditions to China. Numerous Chinese porcelains      porcelain with the double-headed eagle was found in the
made their way from the Spanish outpost in Manila to           Zócalo, Mexico City. Nuno de Castro, in A porcelana chinesa
Acapulco during the great eras of the ‘Manila galleon trade’,  ao tempo do Imperio - Chinese porcelain at the time of the
defned by J. Mudge as 1573-1620, and again in the late         Empire, Portugal/Brasil, 2007, illustrates on pp. 352-356
17th century (Chinese Export Porcelain in North America,       several examples of Chinese porcelain made for the Order
New York, 1986, p. 71). Most of these porcelains were blue     of St. Augustine, ranging in date from circa 1595 to circa
and white, but Mudge mentions approximately 18 armorial        1770, all of which display the Habsburg eagle.
services made for the Mexican market that are represented
in the Franz Mayer collection, Mexico City. See William R.

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