Page 50 - Chinese works of art and paintings, March 19 Bonhams
P. 50

(two views)

           8050  W
           Northern Wei/Qi dynasty                           The thousand Buddha--or infinite Buddha--motif, where repeated
           Of cylindrical form, the rounded sides carved in low-relief with   registers of small Buddha figures seated in meditation are depicted,
           nineteen rows of twenty Buddhas, the Buddhas seated dhyanasana   is frequently seen in both painting and sculpture in China from the
           on narrow ledges that encircles the pillar, their hands hidden by   5th century onward. The imagery alludes to a passage in the Lotus
           pleated coverings, their elongated heads crowned by domed   Sutra where emanations of the Buddha from an infinity of Buddha
           ushnishas, the top of the pillar carved with a square socket,    worlds gather to listen to the historical Buddha Sakyamuni expound
           metal stand.                                      sacred teachings. This pillar is carved in the round indicating it was
           42in (106.7cm) high                               made to be viewed from all angles. It is likely that the pillar was
                                                             created for circumambulation in its original location, a devotional,
           $25,000 - 40,000                                  merit-accruing act.

           北齊/魏 石灰石雕多寶千佛幢                                    A similar pillar dating to the Northern Qi dynasty is in the collection
                                                             of the Xuchang Museum in Henan province.

           Acquired in New York, 1990s

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