Page 66 - Chinese works of art and paintings, March 19 Bonhams
P. 66

Tang Shao-yi was the first prime minister of the Republic
           of China.  Born in Guangdong Province in 1861, he was
           sent to the United States to attend grammar school, high
           school and college.  Following his return to China, he rose to
           political prominence through several diplomatic appointments
           within the imperial Chinese government.  He served as
           Consul-General in Korea, Special Commissioner to Tibet,
           and Governor of Fengtian Province in Manchuria.  He was
           often dispatched on official missions as a special envoy of
           the Qing imperial court.  In 1908 one such mission brought
           him to Washington for a visit that was heavily covered by the
           American press.  He led a delegation that presented gifts
           to the Library of Congress and was received at the White
           House.  Tang Shao-yi was appointed Premier Minister after
           the Republican Revolution of 1911 and later held additional
           positions as Minister of Communications and Minister of
           Foreign Affairs.  He developed a lifelong interest in Chinese
           porcelain during his years of public service. Upon retirement
           and until his death in 1938, he devoted himself to collecting
           porcelains, dividing his time between Shanghai and his villa
           and gardens in Tangjiawan in southern China.  Tang Shao-yi
           acquired both fine porcelains and decorative Shiwan pieces
           made in his native province of Guangdong.  His collection
           aptly reflected his sense of beauty and deep connection with
           his family heritage.

           總領事,奉天巡撫,以全權大臣身份赴印度與英國就西藏問                        Tang Shaoyi and his first grandson, Tong Ping, at the family
           題進行談判。另外,唐紹儀還常常作為清政府特別使節出國                        residence in Zhuhai
           任通訊總長和外交總長。 在繁忙的政治生涯之餘,唐紹儀喜

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