Page 131 - Christie's London May 14, 2019 Chinese Works of Art
P. 131

          AFTER GUANXIU (PAINTING),   羅漢
          ZHANG JINFANG (1747-1792)
          (CALLIGRAPHY)               藏印:楊溪馬氏虛齋家藏、一印漫漶
          Viewing Guanxiu's Paintings   書法
          of Luohans at Guangxiao     釋文:貫休手寫一十六羅漢,其二乃
          Monastery (calligraphy)
          Luohan (painting)
          18th century
          Painting: two collectors' seals  南客,故人期我虞翻宅。僧廊亂後
          Calligraphy: signed with three seals of   花木猶瓏璁,蕹菜春生滿池碧。循
          the artist, two collectors' seals  廊轉入精廬深,一幅居然掛東壁。
          Hanging scroll
          Painting: ink and colour silk  古綃尚白石轉青,恰於石罅安疏
          Calligraphy: ink on paper   櫺。一僧俯首力寫經,自準以下只半
          Painting: 45⅝ in. x 18⅞ in.
          (115.9 cm. x 47.8 cm.)      形。芬陀利花貝多葉,棕櫚筆管毛猩
          Calligraphy: 14⅞ in. x 18⅞ in.    猩。不知金天之西何處得石硯,毋
          (37.8 x 47.8 cm.)
          £8,000-12,000  US$11,000-16,000  瓶,靜如沙鷺翹涼汀。窗鐙不剪信明
          Acquired in Asia in the early to mid-  猿拱,雙臂平叉  兩肩聳。筍鞋桐帽木
          20th century by Henry de Vilmorin   葉衣,想見霜濃寒到踵。精誠能令
          Jnr. (1903-1961), born in Japan, the
          grandson of the eponymous botanist   感金石,何況群生知怖恐。禪月師,
          Henry de Vilmorin Snr. (1843-1899), and   流傳三絕,畫書詩。詩編巨岳集,書
          thence by descent within the family.
          The verse inscribed by Zhang Jinfang   畫品更崛奇。即如此幅遠出意匠表,
          reproduces an extended prose   或疑入定真容彷彿親見之。不然調
          poem by early Qing scholar oficial   鉛殺粉能爾為。訶林僧,神物借汝
          Zhu Yizun (1629-1709). The poem
          describes a painting of Luohan   能世守。不見《宣和》舊譜遺跡久雲
          by ninth-tenth century master   亡,豫章西山雲堂院中亦何有。我
          Guanxiu, seen in the Guangxiao   欲賺汝去,莫飲我,缸面酒。我欲奪
          monastery. The accompanying
          painting illustrates the work which   汝歸,玉鴉叉,不在手。世間豈少珊
          Zhu describes, including the monk   瑚鐵網珍珠船,自今貯之伏梁暗檻
          engrossed in writing sutras, the   庶可全。
          serene fgure to his left, and the aged
          ape who stands in the courtyard,   款識:秀水朱彝尊題順流張錦芳補書。
          hands clasped upon a broom.  鈐印:張錦芳印、粲夫、逃虛閣
          清中期 仿貫休 / 張錦芳 羅漢  來源:歐洲私人珍藏。Henry de
          / 書法 設色絹本 / 水墨紙本            Vilmorin 先生 (1903-1961) 於20世
          立軸                          紀初中期購自亞洲,家傳至今。

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