Page 133 - Christie's London May 14, 2019 Chinese Works of Art
P. 133


          FORMERLY ATTRIBUTED TO JIAO BINGZHEN (FL. 1689-1726)  This album was part of the estate of Mr Che-Fu Tang (d. 1978). According
          Sericulture                                         to Ms. Mary E. Stewart, Notary Public of Plymouth SS, Massachusetts, Mr
                                                              Tang was the former Viceroy of Fukien [Fujian], China. Ms Stewart notarised
          Signature of the artist
                                                              the sale from this estate on 18 December 1978, and the sale was authorised
          Twenty four seals
          Album of 24 leaves                                  by the executor Mr Thomas H Tang of Montclair, New Jersey. The original,
          Painting, ink and colour on silk                    watermarked document detailing the above is included alongside the album
          Calligraphy, ink on paper                           as part of this lot.
          Each leaf 12 in. x 10½ in. (30.4 cm. x 26.6 cm.)

          £10,000-20,000                       US$14,000-26,000
                                                              前傳焦秉貞 織圖 設色絹本 / 水墨紙本 冊頁24開
          Acquired in Hong Kong in the early 1980s.
          Depictions of tilling and weaving have been popular subjects in classical
          Chinese painting since at least the Southern Song dynasty, when the   釋文:文不錄
          frst recorded series of these images was produced by the scholar oficial
          Lou Shou (1090-1162). Images of rice and silk production represented an   款識:臣焦秉貞恭繪。
          idealised industriousness of the common people, and came to be associated
          with times of peace and prosperity. In the early Qing dynasty the reigning   鈐印:玉棟女史、12方漫漶
          Kangxi Emperor instructed court painter Jiao Bingzhen to paint a series of 46
          scenes on this subject, 23 of tilling and 23 of weaving. Jiao's paintings were   來源:Che-Fu Tang先生(1978年卒)舊藏。
          then reproduced as woodblock prints and distributed throughout the empire.   註:據美國麻省普利茅斯市公證人 Mary E. Stewart女士
          The album in the present lot appears to have been made as a close copy from
          Jiao's woodblock prints. It contains the frst twelve scenes from the weaving   介紹,Che-Fu Tang先生曾擔任福建省主席。Stewart女士
          series, encompassing the whole process of silk worm rearing. The facing   為1978年12月18日Che-Fu Tang先生遺產拍賣的公證人。
          pages of calligraphy reproduce the text of the Kangxi Emperor's poems,   此遺產拍賣由遺產執行人Thomas H. Tang先生授權。含
          inscribed on Jiao Bingzhen's original paintings. These verses are followed by
          explanatory notes, with the seal of the otherwise unknown Instructress Yu Dong.  有以上信息的公證文件將與本拍品一同出售。

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