Page 141 - Christie's London May 14, 2019 Chinese Works of Art
P. 141
Yellow-ground altar hangings with nine dragons and of wide rectangular shape are particularly rare. The
present altar panel is exceptionally well executed using polychrome and gold threads, as well as Peking
knots to highlight the details. For a large yellow-ground imperial hanging with nine dragons see Robert
Jacobsen, Imperial Silks: Ch'ing Dynasty Textiles in the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Vol. II, Minneapolis
2000, p. 956, no. 474. A similar shaped salmon-pink-ground altar panel of the same period, formerly
from the Collection of Prince Giovanni Del Drago, was sold at Christie's Hong Kong, 26-27 April 1998,
lot 552.
清乾隆 黃地刺繡九龍紋掛屏
來源: 紐約蘇富比2010年3月23日, 拍品86