Page 55 - Sotheby's Arcadian beauty Song Pottery Oct. 3, 2018
P. 55

fig. 5                                          fig. 6
                            Portrait of Edward T. Chow (1910-1980)          Portrait of T.Y. Chao (1912-1999)

                             Pieces such as this guanyao washer enjoyed an unbroken   to assemble his collection, first in Shanghai, later in Hong
                             history of appreciation by sophisticated connoisseurs, both   Kong, and eventually in Switzerland. His expert knowledge of
                             for actual use or just for delectation. Their appeal was of   Chinese art, his high aesthetic standards and his relentless
                             course not lost on the Qianlong Emperor (r. 1736-1795), one   demand for quality made him one of the favourite addresses
                             of China’s greatest self-proclaimed art lovers. The Huojidang   for the major collectors of the time, such as Sir Percival
                             [Archives of the Imperial Workshops] for the Qianlong period   David, King Gustaf Adolf of Sweden, Eiichi Ataka, J.M. Hu, or
                             tell us that in 1744, one guanyao mallow-shaped washer   Barbara Hutton, many of whom he managed to advise and as
                             with zitan stand, which the Emperor ranked as ‘top quality’,   such to play an important role in the formation of collections
                             was ordered to be sent to the Qianqinggong, the Palace   as, for example, also the Meiyintang collection. The sale of
                             of Heavenly Purity, one of the main palace buildings in the   his own collection in three parts at Sotheby’s Hong Kong
                             Forbidden City, after a fitted brocade box and wrapping   and London in 1980 and 1981 created a splash in the art
                             cloth had been made for it; in 1745, the Emperor had another   world and heralded an explosion of prices in this field. The
                             such washer sent to the Yuanmingyuan Summer Palace, to   Edward T. Chow collection remains one of the most coveted
                             be stored there in a treasure box; in 1749, he ordered that a   provenances for a piece of Chinese art.
                             drawer be made for the stand of such a washer, perhaps to
                                                                            T.Y. Chao (1912-1999), shipping magnate and leading real
                             house a small album of paintings and poems by the Emperor
                                                                            estate developer of Hong Kong, had collected Chinese art
                             himself, as we know he had done for a piece of Ru ware; and
                                                                            for decades prior to the Chow sales and besides porcelains,
                             in 1773 four such washers with zitan stands were apparently
                                                                            also sought out classical paintings and calligraphies as well as
                             displayed on curio shelves in the Jingyanggong, Palace of
                                                                            jades. An exhibition of one hundred Ming and Qing porcelains
                             Great Brilliance, one of the side halls of the Forbidden City,
                                                                            from his collection was held at the Hong Kong Museum of
                             which today also houses a display of works of art.
                                                                            Art in 1978. Recognizing the rare opportunity the Chow sales
                             In more recent times, this washer belonged to two of the most   provided, he became one of the major buyers there, despite
                             important Asian collectors of Chinese art in the twentieth   the very high prizes. Many pieces from the Edward T. Chow
                             century, Edward T. Chow (fig. 5) and T.Y. Chao (fig. 6), and   sales therefore re-appeared on the market in 1986 and
                             figured in two of the most memorable sales in Hong Kong,   1987, when the T.Y. Chao collection itself was offered in two
                             which have made auction history. Edward T. Chow (1910-  auctions, also at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, echoing the success
                             1980), one of the most renowned dealers and collectors of   of the Chow sales.
                             Chinese art, began at an early age to work in this field and

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