Page 182 - Bonhams Passkon and Philanthropy MET Mjuseum March 2024 Asia Week
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Fig. 1.John D. Rockefeller, Jr. and Abby Aldrich Rockefeller

           John Davidson Rockefeller, Jr. (1874-1960)

           John Davidson Rockefeller, Jr. (1874-1960) was the sole surviving   those national parks and in others across the country. Another
           heir of John Davidson Rockefeller, Sr. (1839-1937), the billionaire and   area of special concern was the construction and restoration of
           philanthropist who co-founded Standard Oil. He attended Brown   significant architectural sites and museums, including his financing
           University (class of 1897) and then joined his family firm as Director,   and development of Rockefeller Center in Manhattan; restoration of
           and later became Director of U.S. Steel after it was formed in 1901.   the Rheims Cathedral, Fontainebleau, and Versailles , all in France,
           He resigned from both companies in 1910. He continued to hold   following the World War I; construction of the Palestine Archaeological
           sizable shares in Colorado Fuel & Iron, Equitable Trust Company, and   Museum in East Jerusalem, now known as the Rockefeller
           other organizations, and he founded the Dunbar National Bank in   Archaeological Museum; restoration of Williamsburg, Brooklyn;
           Harlem, NY in the late 1920s. Most of his time, however, was spent   and donation of his property on East 54th Street of Manhattan for
           on philanthropy and collecting. Land conservation was a core value   the Museum of Modern Art, which his wife, Abigail (‘Abby’) Aldrich
           held by Mr. Rockefeller, and in that spirit, he donated land for national   Rockefeller (1874-1948), co-founded in 1929. The Rockefellers also
           parks in the United States, including Grand Teton, Mesa Verde National  founded the Museum of Primitive Art, the collection of which is now
           Park, Acadia, Great Smoky Mountains, Yosemite, and Shenandoah.   part of The Metropolitan Museum of Art. In 1906, Rockefeller was
           He funded requisite engineering and preservation initiatives to support   introduced to Chinese ceramics through the Altman Collection. His

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