Page 196 - Bonhams Passkon and Philanthropy MET Mjuseum March 2024 Asia Week
P. 196
Fig. 1 Flora E. Whiting
Flora Ettlinger Whiting (1878-1971)
Flora Ettlinger Whiting (1878-1971) was the daughter of Louis E. financial freedom to pursue acquisitions, lead initiatives at cultural
Ettlinger (d. 1937). Her father was the Director of Cromwell Publishing and charitable organizations, and engage in significant philanthropic
Company which published Collier’s Weekly and Woman’s Home endeavors. Among her accomplishments were founding the Friends
Companion, and later, when the company became Cromwell- of the American Wing patrons group at The Metropolitan Museum
Collier, published works by Martha G. Gellhorn (1908-1998), F. Scott of Art, founding The Girls Clubs of America, and coorganizing the
Fitzgerald (1896-1940), and Arthur Schlesinger Jr (1917-2007). Mr. Girl Scouts Loan Exhibition of 1929, which is regarded as the first
Ettlinger instilled in his daughter a love of antiques and art, taking serious exhibition of American art and antiques. In 1899, she married
her on her first buying expedition when she was nine years old. She the architect and designer, Giles Whiting (d. 1937), who became
had a sharp eye and continued to collect a wide range of fine art and President of the Persian Rug Manufacturing Company and Treasurer
decorative arts, particularly by American makers, throughout her of the Architectural League of New York. The couple had a home on
lifetime. In addition to being a savvy collector of art and antiques. Park Avenue in New York City, as well as a large country estate called
Mrs. Whiting was also a wise investor and diligent in managing her “Ashridge” in Briarcliff Manor, NY (Fig. 2) and a third home nearby
financial affairs. Her early investment in IBM allowed her enormous called “The Cottage”, all three of which were filled with her acquisitions.