Page 10 - Bonhams asian Art Sydney May 2018
P. 10

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           ATTRIBUTED TO WANG ZHEN (1867 - 1938)             (傳)潘天壽 古佛一蒲團 設色紙本 立軸 一九二四年作
           Ink and colour on paper                           款識:古佛一蒲團。甲子(1924)小春三門灣阿壽。
           Signed and inscribed, with two seals of the artist  鈐印:阿壽、潘天壽印
           33.0 x 137.0cm                                    題簽:潘壽.佛
           $800 - 1,200
           (傳)王震 枇杷初熟 設色紙本 立軸                                9
                                                             ATTRIBUTED TO PAN TIANSHOU (1897 - 1971)
           款識:清陰綠天消永,畫枇杷初熟散黃金,師無悶本,白龍山人王震                    Orchid in the Valley
           並記。                                               Ink on paper, hanging scroll
           鈐印:一亭、王震大利                                        Inscribed and signed A Shou, with two seals of the artist, and one seal
                                                             of the collector
           題簽:清王震先生枇杷真跡                                      Dated guihai year (1923)
                                                             136.0 x 40.0cm
           8                                                 $800 - 1,500
           ATTRIBUTED TO PAN TIANSHOU (1897 - 1971)
           Meditation                                        (傳)潘天壽 蘭石圖 立軸 一九二三年作
           Ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll           款識:細細紫蘭香,春來發澗谷。澗谷不見底,澗水深郁郁。奇石古
           Inscribed and signed A Shou, with two seals of the artist  嶙峋,新草濃如覆。知悵芳苑姿,托根幽且獨。空山樵徑無,鋤者未
           Date jiazi year (1924)                            窺目。擬撫瑤琴彈,楚天風謖謖。癸亥(1923)十月阿壽。
           65.0 x 32.5cm                                     鈐印:壽、天壽寫生
           $800 - 1,500
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