Page 32 - Sotheby's Chinese Jades Hong Kong June 1, 2017
P. 32


A LARGE CELADON JADE ‘MYTHICAL BEAST                               清 青白玉太獅少獅擺件
QING DYNASTY                                                       紐約蘇富比1990年4月11/12日拍出玉雕,編號238,獸
the unicorn beast with a gentle face and raised snout, detailed    Rollason 伉儷舊藏也有一例,售於倫敦佳士得1997年6月
with a ribbed spine and bifid tail, crouching on its hindquarter,  9日,編號226。還有一尺寸較小之例,售於香港蘇富比
its cub depicted frolicking between its forepaws, the stone of a   2010年4月8日,編號2055。
sage-green colour with faint russet veining
11 cm, 4¼ in.

HK$ 80,000-100,000
US$ 10,300-12,900

A carving of a mythical beast similarly modelled with a long
snout, notched spine and long horn, was sold in our New
York rooms, 11th/12th April 1990, lot 238; another from
the collection of Mr and Mrs Melvyn Rollason, was sold at
Christie’s London, 9th June 1997, lot 226; and a slightly smaller
example was sold in these rooms, 8th April 2010, lot 2055.

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