Page 28 - Sotheby's Chinese Jades Hong Kong June 1, 2017
P. 28
QING DYNASTY, 18TH CENTURY 玉雕臥雞甚為少見,本品造型小巧,線條圓潤,突顯玉石
naturalistically depicted crouching on its feet, with the head 皮巧用,獨具匠心,既體現工匠對玉石之珍愛,亦另臥
raised and elaborate tail feathers finely detailed with incisions, 雞更具立體之感。此玉雞之造型亦有唐代玉雕帽頂之風,
the even white translucent stone highlighted with a patch of 見一玉鳥,定為唐代,展於《中國肖生玉雕》,香港藝術
russet skin on the underside 館,香港 ,1996年,編號70。
6.6 cm, 2⅝ in.
HK$ 120,000-180,000 見一尺寸稍大之相類玉雕臥雞,展於《伍夫爵士收藏中國
US$ 15,500-23,200 臥雞回首銜菊花枝,展於《中國肖生玉雕》,前述出處,
Small jade carvings of roosters are rare, and the present piece 3月23日,編號835。可比較一雙雞作例,定為明代早期,
is a particularly exquisite example for its fine modelling. The 藏於巴斯東亞藝術博物館,錄於《Jades from China》,
translucency and even tone of the jade stone is enhanced 巴斯,1994年,圖版282。
by the soft round body, which in turns provides an attractive
contrast to the detailed feathers of the tail and wings. The
skilful incorporation of the natural russet inclusions of the
stone not only displays the carver’s appreciation of the
precious material but also heightens the overall sense of three-
dimensionality. It is interesting to note that this piece would
have echoed the past as its pose is reminiscent of jade staff
finials in the form of birds, such as one attributed to the Tang
period, included in the exhibition Chinese Jade Animals, Hong
Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1996, cat. no. 70.
A slightly larger jade rooster modelled in a similar pose, was
included in the exhibition The Woolf Collection of Chinese Jade,
Sotheby’s, London, 2013, cat. no. 107; one modelled with its
head turned back and grasping a sprig of chrysanthemum, was
included in the exhibition Chinese Jade Animals, op. cit., cat.
no. 180; and a third carved standing next to a rock, was sold at
Christie’s New York, 23rd March 2012, lot 835. Compare also a
carving of two roosters, attributed to the early Ming period, in
the Museum of East Asian Art, Bath, illustrated in Jades from
China, Bath, 1994, pl. 282.
Other view
26 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比