Page 50 - Sotheby's Chinese Jades Hong Kong June 1, 2017
P. 50


A CELADON AND BROWN JADE ‘MAKARA’                                   清 青黃玉摩羯魚花插
QING DYNASTY                                                        本品所雕雙魚栩栩如生,靈動自然。魚鱗、魚鰭及魚尾等
powerfully modelled in the form of two makara leaping from          感,匠心獨運。更捕捉鯉躍龍門之精彩瞬間,寓意吉祥。
a bed of swirling waves, each detailed with large bulging
eyes below bushy eyebrows and curled whiskers, the mouth            見一相類玉雕雙魚擺件例,藏台北故宮博物院,展於《
depicted agape showing sharp teeth and hollowed to form             神品至寶:台北國立故宮博物院》,東京國立博物館,
the flower receptacle, further detailed with a scaly body and       東京,2014年,編號194。三藩市亞洲藝術博物館亦藏一
a pronounced spine, the stone of a celadon-green tone with          例,載於 René-Yvon Lefebvre d’Argencé,《Chinese
patches of brown                                                    Jades in the Avery Brundage Collection》,東京,1977
15.8 cm, 6¼ in.                                                     年,圖版LXX。第三例展於東方陶瓷學會,《Chinese
                                                                    Jade Throughout the Ages》,倫敦,1975年,編號421
HK$ 600,000-800,000                                                 ,後售於香港蘇富比2007年10月9日,編號1210。北京故
US$ 77,500-103,000                                                  宮亦藏一與本品尺寸相同之玉雕雙魚,刊於《故宮博物院
Carved to capture a dynamic sense of movement, this piece
is notable for the finely rendered details as seen in the scales,
fins and tails of the two fish. The craftsman has skilfully
incorporated the natural russet inclusions of the stone to add
a naturalistic depth and texture to the piece. This carving
captures the moment a carp has successfully swum against
the current of the Yellow River and leaped up at the Dragon
Gate to transform into a powerful dragon.

A related carving of this subject, in the National Palace
Museum, Taipei, was included in the exhibition Treasured
Masterpieces from the National Palace Museum Taipei, Tokyo
National Museum, Tokyo, 2014, cat. no. 194; another in the
Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, is illustrated in René-Yvon
Lefebvre d’Argencé, Chinese Jades in the Avery Brundage
Collection, Tokyo, 1977, pl. LXX; and a third included in the
Oriental Ceramic Society exhibition Chinese Jade Throughout
the Ages, London, 1975, cat. no. 421, was sold in these rooms,
9th October 2007, lot 1210. See also a jade carving of two
conjoined dragon-fish of the same size, in the Palace Museum,
Beijing, is illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of
the Palace Museum. Jadeware (III), Hong Kong, 1995, pl. 49.

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