Page 45 - Sotheby's Chinese Jades Hong Kong June 1, 2017
P. 45
Three vases carved with a taotie mask in a related 倫敦蘇富比曾拍出相類饕餮紋玉瓶三件,分
style were sold in our London rooms, the first, 別售於1957年5月7日,編號147;1995年12
7th May 1957, lot 147, the second, 5th December 月5日,編號159;以及1973年3月7日,編號
1995, lot 159, and the third, 7th March 1973, 242。Marquis de Ganay 舊藏且有一瓶,尺
lot 242; a slightly smaller example was sold at 寸略小,售於紐約佳士得2013年9月20日,
Christie’s New York, 20th September 2013, lot 編號1702。Halifax 伯爵夫人舊藏例也可資比
1702, from the Marquis de Ganay collection; and 對,於倫敦佳士得1978年2月13日拍出,編
another, from the collection of the Countess 號117。
of Halifax, was sold at Christie’s London, 13th
February 1978, lot 117.