Page 40 - Sotheby's Chinese Jades Hong Kong June 1, 2017
P. 40


A FINE WHITE AND RUSSET JADE                                      清十八至十九世紀 白玉海棠式盤
QING DYNASTY, 18TH – 19TH CENTURY                                 一相類撇口深腹盤例,可資比較,尺寸略大,售於倫敦蘇
the rounded sides rising from four ruyi-shaped feet to an         雕刻靈芝與萬年青淺浮雕紋飾,售於紐約佳士得1990年6
everted rim divided into four lobes, the smoothly polished        曰1日,編號361。再比一無足青白玉盤例,尺寸相較此例
stone of an even white tone with patches of russet to the         略大,售於倫敦蘇富比1976年6曰29日,編號118。
14.5 cm, 5⅝ in.

HK$ 150,000-200,000
US$ 19,400-25,800

A slightly larger dish of this form, but with stepped lipped
rim and deeper sides, was sold in our London rooms, 12th
November 1974, lot 7; and a smaller example, but with rounded
sides and carved in shallow relief with lingzhi and wannianqing,
was sold at Christie’s New York, 1st June 1990, lot 361.
Compare also a larger dish of similar form, but lacking the feet
and carved from a pale green stone with striations, sold in our
London rooms, 29th June 1976, lot 118.

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