Page 44 - Sotheby's Chinese Jades Hong Kong June 1, 2017
P. 44

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A PALE CELADON JADE                                 A CELADON JADE ARCHAISTIC                           清末 青白玉饕餮紋雙龍活環耳蓋瓶
VESSEL                                              LATE QING DYNASTY                                   來源:
LATE QING DYNASTY–                                                                                      James Cromwell 夫人收藏
REPUBLICAN PERIOD                                   the translucent white stone worked with a           倫敦佳士得1988年12月12日,編號43
                                                    flattened ovoid body rising from a splayed foot to
of archaistic gui form, decorated with a pair of    a waisted neck flanked by a pair of dragon mask
dragon handles, the body worked in low relief       handles suspending loose rings, the body with
with a broad frieze enclosing taotie masks against  a broad frieze enclosing taotie masks, the cover
a leiwen ground, all below two mythical beast       with taotie motifs picked out in scrollwork and
masks and four rectangular flanges, the stone of    surmounted by an openwork finial modelled in the
a pale celadon colour with light russet inclusions  form of a stylised roaring lion
14 cm, 5½ in.                                       21 cm, 8¼ in.

HK$ 60,000-80,000                                   PROVENANCE
US$ 7,800-10,300
                                                    Collection of Mrs James Cromwell.
                                                    Christie’s London, 12th December 1988, lot 43.

清末至民國 青白玉雙龍耳蓋罐                                      HK$ 250,000-300,000
                                                    US$ 32,200-38,700

                                                                                                        Rubbing detail 局部拓本

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