Page 31 - Bonhams,Important Asian Art, Sydney AU, April 22 2021
P. 31

           ZHOU GONGLI (1903-1989), ET AL.                   Provenance:
           1.                                                Private collection, Sydney, acquired in Hong Kong during the 1980s
           Zhou Gongli
           Peacock                                           No reserve
           Ink and colour on paper, framed
           Inscribed and signed Zhou Gongli, with two seals of the artist  周公理、胡克敏、高鴻 花鳥四幅
           Dated 1977
                                                             〈一〉周公理 孔雀 設色紙本 鏡框 一九七七年作
           2.                                                款識:一九七七年四月周公理寫於香港亞洲大廈
           Hu Kemin (1909-1991)                              鈐印:周公理、倫
           Ink and colour on paper, framed                   〈二〉胡克敏 牡丹 設色紙本 鏡心 一九八四年作
           Inscribed and signed Hu Kemin, with two seals of the artist  款識:臘香隱約遮紅袖,露鬢參差壓翠翹。甲子(1984)新秋。昆陵
           Dated autumn of jiazi year (1984)                 鐵骨翁胡克敏。
           Gao Hong (20th century)                           〈三〉高鴻 霜葉 設色紙本 立軸 一九八八年作
           Mynas and Autumn Leaves                           款識:霜葉紅於二月花。戊辰(1988)年夏月畫於福州。高鴻
           Ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll           鈐印:高鴻、非一日之寒
           Inscribed and signed Gao Hong, with two seals of the artist
           Dated wucheng year (1988)                         〈四〉高鴻 玉竹長青 設色紙本 立軸 一九八八年作
           4.                                                鈐印:鴻、高鴻
           Gao Hong (20th century)
           Sparrows and Bamboo                               傳承:
           Ink on paper, hanging scroll                      悉尼私人收藏,上世紀八十年代閒購於香港
           Inscribed and signed Gao Hong, with two seals of the artist
           Dated wucheng year (1988)                         無底價
           Zhou Gongli: 107.0 x 60.0cm
           Hu Kemin: 70.0 x 124.0cm
           Gao Hong: 101.5 x 31.0cm each (4).
           $800 - 1,200
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