Page 40 - Chinese Ceramics the Linyushanren Collection Part 1 , Christie's
P. 40
This distinctive Yaozhou vessel is an especially elegant version 來源
of a form that in China is usually called a zun. At the Yaozhou 繭山龍泉堂,東京
kilns it is possible that the form has a predecessor in a similar type
of jar, but without an everted rim, that has been found among 展覽
the Five Dynasties vessels at the Huangbao zhen kiln site. See 大阪市立東洋陶磁美術館,《耀州窯 : 中国中原に華ひらいた名
Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka (eds), The Masterpieces 窯》,山口,1997年10月25日至12月21日,大阪,1998年1月10
of Yaozhou Ware, Tokyo, 1997, p. 101, no. 133. Another 日至2月22日,愛知,1998年4月4日至5月10日,圖錄編號32
form similar to the current example, and with the same type 佳士得,《古韻天成:臨宇山人宋瓷珍藏展覽》,香港,2012
of decoration, but without curled rim sections, was also made 年11月22至27日;紐約,2013年3月15至20日;倫敦,2013年5
at the Yaozhou kilns. For an example in the Yale University 月10至14日,圖錄編號15
Art Gallery see Y. Mino and K. Tsiang, Ice and Green Clouds,
Indianapolis Museum of Art, 1986, pp. 144-5, no. 54. Several 著錄
jars similar to the current example, with raised lines inside the 大阪市立東洋陶磁美術館編,《耀州窯 : 中国中原に華ひらいた
mouth, curled lip, and carved decoration, have been found in 名窯》,東京,1997年,30頁,編號32
the late Northern Song strata at the Yaozhou kiln at Huangbao 佳士得,《古韻天成:臨宇山人宋瓷珍藏展覽》,香港,2012
zhen. See Shaanxi Tongchuan Yaozhou yao, Beijing, 1965, pl. 年,58-59頁,編號15
19, no. 3; and Shaanxi Provincial Archaeological Research
Institute and Museum of Yaozhou Ware, Songdai Yaozhou 尊鼓腹,長頸微束,六瓣荷葉形花口,與頸內六條凸線出筋對
Yaozhi, Beijing, 1998, p. 589. A very similar Yaozhou celadon 應,沿卷侈,高圈足外撇。頸刻蕉葉紋,腹部刻牡丹紋,圈足透
jar but without the pierced ruyi head design on the foot is in 雕如意紋。通體施青釉,髮色青翠,勻淨光潤。
the collection of the Metropolitan Museum. See S. Valenstein,
Handbook of Chinese Ceramics, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 花口尊是耀州窯獨具特色的一種器形,其祖形可追溯至五代耀州
New York, rev. ed. 1989, p. 82, no. 76. A similar Yaozhou jar 窯一類口沿無翻折的五尖瓣菱花口尊,素身無紋,見大阪市立
in the collection of the Buffalo Museum of Science is illustrated 東洋陶磁美術館編,東京1997年出版,《耀州窯 : 中国中原に華
by N. Wood, Chinese Glazes, London, 1999, p. 117, left hand ひらいた名窯》,101頁,編號133。另一類耀州窯花口尊為長頸
illustration. And another similar jar with somewhat sketchy 外撇花口,口沿亦無翻折,飾纏枝牡丹紋,參見蓑豐,蒋人和
carved floral motifs on both body and neck is in the collection 著,印第安納波里斯美術館1986年出版《Ice and Green Clouds:
of the Museum of Yaozhou Ware, Tongchuan city, Shaanxi Traditions of Chinese Celadon》,144-145頁,編號54。口沿卷
province. See The Masterpieces of Yaozhou Ware, op. cit., p. 107, 邊的荷葉形花口尊是耀州窯花口尊中最成熟的一個類型,近似
no. 145. Compare also a related vessel of compressed form from 的殘片在陝西黃堡鎮耀州窯址的北宋晚期地層多有發現,見陝西
Robert E. Barron, III, M.D. collection, discussed and illustrated 省考古研究所編,北京1965年出版《陝西銅川耀州窯》,圖版
by Lisa Rotondo-McCord, Heaven and earth seen within: Song 19.3;以及陝西省考古研究所編及耀州窯博物館編,北京1998年
ceramics from the Robert Barron Collection, New Orleans, 2003, pp. 出版,《宋代耀州窯址》,589頁。紐約大都會博物館藏有一件
50-51, no. 10 and subsequently sold at Christie’s New York, 30 相近的耀州窯花口尊,載於S. Valenstein著,紐約1989年出版,
Mar 2005, lot 272. 《Handbook of Chinese Ceramics》,82頁,編號76。水牛城
科學博物館亦藏有一件近似的耀州窯花口尊,載於N. Wood著,
倫敦1999年出版《Chinese Glazes》,117頁左側插圖。陝西銅
丹紋,惟刻工草率,見《耀州窯 : 中国中原に華ひらいた名窯》,
E. Barron, III, M.D.舊藏, 載於 Lisa Rotondo-McCord著,新奧爾
良2003年出版《Heaven and earth seen within: Song ceramics
from the Robert Barron Collection》,50-51頁,編號10,是件
The Classic Age of Chinese Ceramics 古韻天成 — 臨宇山人珍藏(一) 38