Page 184 - Christie's, Important Chinese Works of Art, Hong Kong Dec 3 2021
P. 184

(another view 另一面)

         A SUPERB WHITE JADE HEXAGONAL                     清乾隆   白玉雕八吉祥紋六方茶壺
         LOBED 'BAJIXIANG' TEA POT AND COVER               來源
         QIANLONG PERIOD (1736-1795)                       法國家族舊藏
         The teapot is carved on the exterior with four panels that are   出版
         decorated with the attributes of the Eight Immortals. It is carved
         on one side with a scroll handle and with a quatrefoil lobed spout   Marchant & Son,倫敦,《85th Anniversary Exhibition of
         on the other. The cover is of conforming hexagonal shape, carved   Chinese Jades from Tang to Qing》,2010 年,137 號
         to the exterior with six panels decorated with alternating bats and   白玉茶壺相當罕見。比較一件白玉長方茶壺,載於《清代玉雕之美》,
         peaches.                                          台北,圖錄圖版 189 號,及北京故宮博物院藏一件雍正玉六瓣執壺,參
         7¡ in. (18.8 cm.) across the handles, box
                                                           見《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集,玉器(下)》,香港,1995 年,257 頁,
         HK$2,500,000-3,500,000        US$330,000-450,000  圖版 212 號。

         A French private collection
         Marchant & Son, London, 85th Anniversary Exhibition of Chinese
         Jades from Tang to Qing, 2010, Catalogue no. 137
         Compare to a teapot of rectangular form which is illustrated in Jade,
         Ch'ing Dynasty Treasures from the National Museum of History, Taipei,
         1997, pl. 189. Another white jade lobed teapot and cover dated to the
         Yongzheng period is in the collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing,
         illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace
         Museum, Jadeware (III), Hong Kong, 1995, p. 257, no. 212.

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