Page 20 - Christie's, Important Chinese Works of Art, Hong Kong Dec 3 2021
P. 20

fig. 2  Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing  fig. 3  Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing
                                  圖二  北京故宮博物院藏品                                    圖三  北京故宮博物院藏品

         2910 Continued

         The present vase ranks among one of the finest celadon-glazed vessels   本瓶器形簡練,體態雅致。紋飾以減地錐拱技法而成,團螭紋分佈於腹
         produced during the Qianlong period. While celadon-glazed vessels   部兩側,頸部飾蕉葉紋,間以花卉及圓點,肩頂再飾一圈花卉、圓點,
         were popular during the Qianlong period, it is very rare to find one with
         such exquisite moulding and superb quality of glaze, in fact, no other   於一圈如意雲肩之上,脛部為花卉紋及蕉葉紋。整體紋飾於瑩潤的粉青
         vase of the same design appears to have been published.   釉下若隱若現,清雅致極。
         Monochrome vessels with carved ‘chilong’ medallions appeared as   粉青釉瓷器於乾隆時期頗為盛行,但釉色純淨及紋飾細緻如此瓶者極為
         early as the Kangxi period, for example, compare a white-glazed   罕見,爬梳全球公私珍藏,似未見其他相同之例。暗花團螭紋於康熙時
         water pot, taibaizun, carved with similar ‘chilong’ medallions in low-
         relief in the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in Gugong bowuyuan   期已有所見。康熙白釉太白尊上有與此相當類似的團螭紋,亦以減低浮
         cang Qingdai yuyao ciqi, vol. 1-1, Beijing, 2005, no. 119 (fig. 2). While   雕手法而成,見北京故宮博物院藏一例,載於《故宮博物院藏清代御窯
         chilong medallions are also found on peachbloom-glazed water pots   瓷器》卷一,上冊,北京,2005 年,圖版 119 號(圖二)。而康熙豇豆
         from the Kangxi period, they are incised in intaglio rather than carved   紅太白尊上的團螭紋則以淺刻方式描繪了相同的主題,見《清代單色釉
         in low relief, see for example the Kangxi vase in the National Palace   瓷器特展目錄》,台北,1981 年,圖版 3 號。
         Museum, Taipei, illustrated in Catalogue of a Special Exhibition of Qing
         Monochromes, Taipei, 1981, no. 3.                 本瓶亦令人聯想到康熙時期的青釉凸花海水龍紋萊菔尊。或許是因為康
         It is also interesting to compare the present vase to celadon-glazed   熙時期的御窯廠尚未掌握控制青釉深淺的技巧,該類萊菔尊的釉色普遍
         vases carved with dragons and waves from the Kangxi period, which   較深,但減地浮雕的紋飾及青釉的搭配,呈現與此瓶類似的視覺效果,
         share a similar combination of low-relief carving and glaze colour,   見北京故宮博物院藏品兩件,上揭書,圖版 112(圖三)、113 號,及紐
         although in a more greyish tone than their successors, see the examples   約蘇富比 2014 年 9 月 16 日拍賣一件,拍品 156 號。
         in the Palace Museum, Beijing, ibid., nos. 112 (fig. 3) and 113, and one
         sold at Sotheby’s New York, 16 September 2014, lot 156.

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