Page 24 - Christie's, Important Chinese Works of Art, Hong Kong Dec 3 2021
P. 24

2911 Continued

         The present jardinière is one of the finest jardinières and celadon-  雍正皇帝重視生活美學,插花、盆景作為歷代文人雅士生活情趣的載
         glazed vessels made during the Yongzheng period, in fact, no other   體,亦為雍正時期宮廷生活重要的一環。清宮舊藏中保存了不少雍正時
         identical jardinière of this design and glaze colour appears to have been
         published.                                        期單色釉的花盆,釉色種類多樣,包括銅紅釉、霽藍釉、鐵鏽花釉、仿
         Large-sized rectangular jardinières of this type were used for artistically   盆景為主。如清乾隆金廷標作《曹大家授書圖》軸,畫中長方盆即置奇
         arranged plants at the palaces. A painting by the Qianlong-period
         court painter Jin Tingbiao shows a similar monochrome rectangular   石造景,養植水仙(圖二)。此盆釉色青翠,釉質溫潤,為雍正御窯廠
         jardinière holding narcissus plants grown among scholar’s rocks (fig. 2);   仿南宋龍泉青釉的絕佳作品,迄今未見其他相同作品,應為孤品。器形
         illustrated in The Enchanting Splendor of Vases and Planters: A Special   相近的雍正長方盆可比較台北故宮博物院藏一件雍正爐鈞釉長方盆(寬
         Exhibition of Flower Vessels from Ming and Qing Dynasties, Taipei,   44.2 公分)(圖三),見《瓶盆風華:明清花器特展》,台北,2014 年,
         2014, p. 63. For another similar Yongzheng monochrome rectangular
         jardinière, see a robin’s egg-glazed example in the National Palace   圖版 I-16。
         Museum, Taipei, illustrated ibid., no. I-16. (fig. 3)

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