Page 66 - Christie's, Important Chinese Works of Art, Hong Kong Dec 3 2021
P. 66


         AN IMPORTANT AND VERY RARE EARLY-                 明永樂   青花纏枝蓮紋玉壺春瓶
         MING BLUE AND WHITE PEAR-SHAPED                   撇口,細頸,垂腹,圈足。通體繪五組青花紋飾,以雙線相
         BOTTLE VASE, YUHUCHUNPING                         隔。頸飾卷草紋和蕉葉紋;肩飾折枝牡丹,月季,山茶和蓮
         YONGLE PERIOD (1403-1425)                         花;腹繪四朵纏枝蓮花,枝葉相纏;近足處繪浪濤紋。此器
         The rounded body finely painted with bold strokes to depict
         a continuous scroll of four large lotus blooms borne on an   精,青花最貴」之說法,在紋飾和造型上都出現了新的風
         undulating vine growing leaves to the sides, above cresting waves   格,逐漸擺脫了元朝的遺風。青料採用進口的「蘇麻離青」,
         around the base, below borders enclosing detached sprigs of   發色青翠濃艷,背花紋飾泛出點點銀黑色結晶斑,與前朝所
         peony, rose, lotus and camellia, overlapping stiff plantain leaves   用之國產青料形成了強烈的對比,為明早期青花瓷器的經典
         and leafy meander on the waisted neck below the everted rim,   佳作。傳世品中只有一件相同的例子現藏台北國立故宮博物
         each band bordered by thin double lines, the cobalt of deep   院,此器故更具收藏價值。
         purplish-blue tone with saturated ‘heaped and piled’ spots of
         intense colour.                                   來源
         11…/”ÿ in. (28 cm.) high, Japanese double wood boxes  仇焱之
         HK$20,000,000-30,000,000                          歐洲私人舊藏
         US$2,600,000-3,900,000                            香港佳士得,1995 年 5 月 1 日,拍品 642 號
         PROVENANCE                                        香港佳士得,2009 年 12 月 1 日,拍品 1872 號
         Edward T. Chow
         A European private collection                     展覽
         Sold at Christie's Hong Kong, 1 May 1995, lot 642   鴻禧美術館,台北,《清翫雅集收藏展》,1998 年,圖錄圖
         An Asian Family Collection                        版9號
         Sold at Christie's Hong Kong, 1 December 2009, lot 1872
         EXHIBITED                                         H. Ling 及仇焱之,《抗希齋珍藏有明全代景德明瓷影譜 ‧
         Chang Foundation, Taipei, Chinese Art from the Ching Wan Society   下》,1950 年,16 號(圖一)
         Collections, 1998, illustrated in the Catalogue, no. 9
                                                           《中華文物集粹:清翫雅集收藏展》,台北,1995 年,圖錄
         LITERATURE                                        圖版 118 號
         H. Ling and E. T. Chow, The Complete Collection of Ming Dynasty
         Kingtehchen Porcelain from The Hall of Disciplined Learning - Collection
         of E. T. Chow, vol. II, 1950, no. 16 (fig .1)
         National Museum of History, Taipei, The Exquisite Chinese
         Artifacts: Collection of Ching Wan Society, Taipei, 1995, Catalogue

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