Page 70 - Christie's, Important Chinese Works of Art, Hong Kong Dec 3 2021
P. 70


         A SMALL JUN PURPLE-SPLASHED                       北宋 / 金   釣窯玫瑰紫釉小盌
         ‘BUBBLE’ BOWL                                     來源

         NORTHERN SONG-JIN DYNASTY (960-1234)              日本私人舊藏
         The bowl is well potted with rounded sides rising from the tapered   香港佳士得,2011 年 11 月 30 日,拍品 3000 號
         foot to the slightly incurved mouth rim, the interior is covered
         with an attractive evenly speckled purple and lavender glaze   小盌造型飽滿而靈巧,斂口,盌壁上豐而下收,小圈足。口緣胎骨較薄,
         thinning to mushroom colour at the rim, the exterior splashed   盌底較厚重。口沿及足底塗褐色釉汁。釉水肥厚,紅藍相間,釉色宛若
         with an irregular mottled purple band, the interior of the small   玫瑰。
         unglazed foot with a small splash of pale blue glaze.   此件鈞窯小盌造型雋秀,盈盈可握。其螢潤光亮的天藍釉面之中飾有不
         3¬ in. (9.2 cm.) diam., Japanese wood box         規則的玫瑰紫色斑塊,觀之如晚霞變幻又如山水氤氳,引人入勝。鈞窯
         HK$3,000,000-5,000,000        US$390,000-650,000  的銅紅釉裝飾始於十一世紀末的北宋晚期。2001 年禹州劉家門窯址的
         PROVENANCE                                        瓷片,見劉家門鈞窯發掘簡報《文物》 2003 年第 11 期,圖 13 及 19。
         A Japanese private collection                     在同一地層亦發現了此類小盌的殘片,其線圖發表於前揭書 34 頁,圖
         Sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 30 November 2011, lot 3000  15.7。
         The prominent splashes of purple, red or green on Junyao wares were   此類紫斑小盌為鈞窯名品。傳世的同類小盌可參照北京故宮博物院藏一
         produced by potters who deliberately added copper to the glaze.
         Datable examples of Junyao bowls with splashes were found in the   例(口徑 8.3 公分),故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集《兩宋瓷器(上)》,
         tomb of Feng Daozhen (d. 1265) near Datong, Shanxi, excavated in   香港,1996 年,圖版 222 號(圖一);大維德珍藏兩例,藏品編號
         1958, and illustrated in Wenwu, 1962, no. 10, pp. 34-42, figs. 7-10.  PDF.44(口徑8.6公分)、PDF.45(口徑8.5公分);大都會博物館一例(口
         The brilliant purple splashes on the current bowl were produced by the   徑8.6公分),著錄於《A Handbook of Chinese Ceramics》,紐約,1975年,
         addition of copper oxides to the surface of unfired glaze, a decorative   圖版 80 號;瑞士鮑氏東方藝術館藏二例,見《The Baur Collection》,
         technique that appeared on Jun wares starting from the end of the   日內瓦,第 1 冊,編號 A31、A32(口徑皆為 8.5 公分);趙從衍舊藏一
         11th century. In the 2001 excavation of the Liujiamen Jun ware kiln   例(口徑 9.2 公分),1987 年 5 月 19 日於香港蘇富比拍賣,拍品 209 號;
         site in Shenhou, Yuzhou city, Jun ware shards decorated with large
         red and purple areas were found in the late Northern Song strata, and   仇焱之、坂本五郎先後遞藏一例(口徑 9 公分),2018 年 10 月 3 日於
         illustrated in ‘Liujiamen junyao fajue jianbao’ (Brief of the Excavation   香港蘇富比拍賣,拍品 3109 號;及香港蘇富比 2018 年 4 月 3 日拍賣一
         of Jun Ware at Liujiamen), Wenwu, 2003, no. 11, fig. 13 and 19. From   例(口徑 9 公分),拍品 3605 號。
         the same excavation, shard of a small bowl with rounded sides and
         a slightly inverted rim, strongly reminiscent of the current bowl was
         also found in the late Northern Song stratum, and a line drawing is
         illustrated ibid., p. 34, fig. 15.7
         Small Junyao bowls with splashes both on the inside and out are
         highly sought after. Examples of ‘bubble’ bowls include one in the
         Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in The Complete Collection of
         Treasures of the Palace Museum, Porcelain of the Song Dynasty, Hong
         Kong, 1996, p. 246, pl. 222 (8.3 cm. diam.) (fig. 1); two in the collection
         of the Percival David Foundation, PDF. 44 (8.6 cm. diam.) and PDF.
         45 (8.5 cm.); one in the Metropolitan Museum of Art illustrated by S.
         Valenstein, A Handbook of Chinese Ceramics, New York, 1975, p. 87,
         no. 80 (50.145.316) (8.6 cm. diam.); two illustrated by J. Ayers, The Baur
         Collection, Geneva, 1968, vol. 1, nos. A31 and A32 (both 8.5 cm. diam.);
         one from the T.Y. Chao collection, sold at Sotheby's Hong Kong, 19 May
         1987, lot 209 (9.2 cm. diam.); one (9 cm. diam.) from the collection of
         Edward T. Chow and Sakamoto Goro, sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 3
         October 2018, lot 3109 (9 cm. diam.); and one sold at Sotheby’s Hong
         Kong, 3 April 2018, lot 3605 (9 cm. diam.).

                  fig. 1  Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing            (other views)
                         圖一  北京故宮博物院藏品
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