Page 72 - Christie's, Important Chinese Works of Art, Hong Kong Dec 3 2021
P. 72


         A FINE AND RARE DOUCAI ‘SWALLOW’                  清雍正   鬥彩喜上眉梢紋蓋盌   雙圈三行六字楷書款
         CONICAL BOWL AND COVER                            來源
         WITHIN A DOUBLE CIRCLE AND OF THE PERIOD (1723-1735)  香港蘇富比,1977年11月29日,拍品178號
         The deep bowl and rounded cover are each decorated with a green   徐展堂舊藏
         and blue swallow perched on a thick flowering prunus branch   靜觀堂珍藏專場拍賣,香港佳士得,1996年11月3日,拍品
         entwined with branches of flowering hibiscus above a butterfly,   578號
         the reverse with a descending swallow, all in tones of green,   香港佳士得,2009年12月1日,拍品1918號
         aubergine, and iron-red, the rims encircled by double-line borders.
         8À/”ÿ in. (20.8 cm.) diam., Japanese wood box     展覽
         HK$4,000,000-6,000,000        US$520,000-770,000  香港市政局及敏求精舍聯合主辦香港藝術館籌劃,香港藝術
         PROVENANCE                                        版178號
         Sold at Sotheby’ s London, 9 July 1974, lot 436
         Sold at Sotheby's Hong Kong, 29 November 1977, lot 178  出版
         T.T. Tsui                                         《徐氏藝術館》,香港,1991年,圖版113號
         The Jingguantang Collection, sold at Christie's Hong Kong, 3   《徐氏藝術館—陶瓷 IV—清代》,香港,1995年,圖版128號
         November 1996, lot 578
         Sold at Christie's Hong Kong, 1 December 2009, lot 1918   盌撇口,斜壁,圈足,傘形蓋。 通體繪鬥彩花鳥紋蓋面及器壁均繪一喜
                                                           鵲棲息於梅花和芙蓉花枝上,另一喜鵲展翅空中。 圈足內青花雙圈內書
         EXHIBITED                                         《大清雍正年製》三行六字楷書款。 此盌造型規整,胎薄體輕,器蓋
         Joint exhibition by the Urban Council, and the Min Chiu Society,   與盌能嚴密扣合。 紋飾以青花勾出線條,再填彩,技法嫻熟,紋飾生
         Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong, Splendour of the Qing   動逼真,色彩瑰麗,為雍正鬥彩器中之上上佳作。近似例見於全球知名
         Dynasty, 9 June – 2 August 1992, Catalogue, no. 178   珍藏,包括北京故宮博物院一例(圖一),見故宮博物院藏文物珍品全
         LITERATURE                                        集,《五彩·鬥彩》,香港,1999年,圖版223號;瑞典遠東文物博物館
         The Tsui Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1991, no. 113  一例,見《Oriental Ceramics》,第8冊,圖版65號;大英博物館一例,
         The Tsui Museum of Art, Chinese Ceramics, vol. IV, Hong Kong,   見霍蒲孫著《The Later Ceramic Wares of China》,圖LV,圖1;上海博
         1995, no. 128                                     物館三例,一件缺蓋,其一見《中國陶瓷全集》,第21冊,京都,1981
         Compare to a very similar example with gilt rims in the Palace Museum   年,圖版104號。除本拍品以外,流通領域近年似僅見另一例,其為琵
         collection, Beijing, illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures   金頓舊藏,2016年4月6日於香港蘇富比拍賣,拍品55號。
         of the Palace Museum, Porcelains in Polychrome and Contrasting
         Colours, Hong Kong, 1999, no. 223 (fig. 1); another Yongzheng bowl
         and cover of this pattern in the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities,
         Stockholm, is illustrated in Oriental Ceramics, The World’s Great
         Collections, vol. 8, Tokyo, 1982, col. pl. 65; other bowls in public and
         private collections include the British Museum example, illustrated by
         R.L. Hobson, The Later Ceramic Wares of China, pl. LV, fig. 1; three in
         the Shanghai Museum, one missing its cover, one of which is illustrated
         in Chugoku Toji Zenshu, Kyoto, 1981, vol. 21, pl. 104; and one from the
         Pilkington Collection, sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 6 April 2016, lot 55.
         The present lot appears to be one of the only two examples of this type
         that have appeared on the market recently.


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