Page 86 - Christie's, Important Chinese Works of Art, Hong Kong Dec 3 2021
P. 86


         A SMALL PAINTED ENAMEL ‘BATS AND                  清乾隆   銅胎畫琺瑯花卉福壽圖四方小盒
         PEACHES’ SQUARE BOX AND COVER                                         藍料雙方款「乾隆年製」楷書款

         QIANLONG FOUR-CHARACTER MARK IN BLUE ENAMEL WITHIN A   此類帶有西洋畫風的琺琅器體現了乾隆皇帝對於西方藝術及工藝的興
         DOUBLE SQUARE AND OF THE PERIOD (1736-1795)       趣。同期類似的金屬胎畫琺琅器可以比較北京故宮博物院藏一件銅胎畫
         The top of the box is delicately painted in blue enamel with a   琺瑯花鳥圖委角長方盒,外底繪葫蘆紋,內書乾隆年款,見《中國金銀
         blossoming and fruiting peach spray below a bat in flight with an   玻璃琺瑯器全集 6·琺瑯器二》,圖版 152 號;及一件銅胎畫琺瑯西洋
         additional floral spray at each of the corner. The interior of the   人物圖長方盒,其年款寫法與此相近,2015 年 6 月 9 日於巴黎佳士得拍
         cover is painted in famille rose with a further peach spray below   賣,拍品 314 號。
         three bats in flight. Each side of the box and cover are painted with
         a different floral spray, including morning glory, lotus, daylily,
         camellia, chrysanthemum. The reign mark is inscribed to the
         centre of the outer base of the box.
         1¡ in. (3.3 cm.) square, box
         HK$300,000-500,000              US$39,000-65,000
         The box is rendered with great precision and much attention has been
         paid to the details of decoration including the interior. The floral sprays
         are painted in a naturalistic style, suggesting that the artist was trained
         in the Western manner. Small painted enamel boxes bearing Qianlong
         marks are rare, compare with a slightly larger box painted with birds
         and flower in the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in Zhongguo jinyin
         boli falangqi quanji, vol. 6, Hebei, p. 99, no. 152, which is inscribed with
         a Qianlong mark enclosed within a double gourd on the base; and a
         rectangular box and cover with European figures bearing a similar mark
         sold at Christie’s Paris, 9 June 2015, lot 314.

                                                                           (another view 另一面)


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