Page 108 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 108

           A GILT COPPER ALLOY FIGURE OF AMITAYUS            銅鎏金無量壽佛像
           ATTRIBUTED TO SONAM GYALTSEN (A.15TH CENTURY),    傳為索南堅贊(活躍於十五世紀)之作
           CENTRAL TIBET, CIRCA 1430-1440                    藏中,約1430至1440年
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61762             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61762號
           21 cm (8 1/4 in.) high                            高21釐米(8 1/4英吋)

           HK$2,000,000 - 3,000,000                          2,000,000 - 3,000,000 港元

           One of the most pleasing Tibetan sculptures of the Long-Life   此尊為西藏無量壽佛造像中的上乘之作,且將藝師索南堅贊的高超技
           Buddha, this pristine example of Sonam Gyaltsen’s craftmanship   藝發揮得淋漓盡致。無量壽佛手中的寶瓶上刻有白度母,罕見地結合
           intricately portrays White Tara arising from the vase in Amitayus’ lap,   呈現此二尊長生神祗。
           in a rare instance of coupling the two deities of longevity.
           A master artist active in the 15th century, Sonam Gylatsen’s work   金造像之極品,多被收錄於博物館館藏。然而索南堅贊的身份直到近
           has long been lauded as the pinnacle of Tibetan gilded sculpture   日才被確認。2018年3月,其姓名及生平由學者傑夫瓦特於一尊重要
           and treasured in museums. Though his identity until recently has   的銅鎏金十一面千手觀音像上發掘(瓦特,紐約邦瀚斯,2018年3月
           been unknown, in March 2018, Watt discovered his name and   19日,拍品3033)。
           historic information about Sonam Gyaltsen on a seminal bronze of
           Thousand-Armed Avalokiteshvara (Watt in Bonhams, New York, 19   此尊無量壽佛像,風格特徵與索南堅贊的其他藏於博物館及私人收
           March 2018, lot 3033).                            藏的作品如出一轍,其中包括蘇黎世雷特伯格博物館之一尊大威德
                                                             金剛及北京故宮博物院之一尊密集金剛(分別參見Uhlig,《On the
           Gyaltsen’s Amitayus shares signature hallmarks of the artist’s style   Path to Enlightenment》,頁168-71,蘇黎世,1995年,114號;
           reflected in the Avalokiteshvara and various subjects dispersed   以及《故宫博物院藏文物珍品全集60:藏傳佛教造像》,頁19,香
           throughout private and public collections. These include a   港,1998年,183號)。蓮座圓鼓帶尖的外花瓣上置有對稱捲曲且豐
           Vajrabhairava in the Rietberg Museum, Zurich and a Guhyasamaja   滿的內花冠。佛身修長,絲質法袍佈滿吉祥。頭髮於冠前排成圓捲劉
           in the Palace Museum, Beijing (Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightenment,   海。綠松石鑲嵌恰到好處,引領視線游於佛軀,而不失柔順線條。佛
           Zurich, 1995, pp.168-71, no.114; Complete Collection of the   像面容俊逸,流露慈祥的無量佛心。
           Treasures of the Palace Museum, 60: Buddhist Statues of Tibet,
           Hong Kong, 1998 p.192, no.183; respectively). Gyaltsen completes   著錄
           his bronze’s lotus petals in the round with symmetrically curling   Arman Neven,《Art Lamaïque》,布魯塞爾,1979年,115號。
           plump inner corolla on top of swelled outer petals with pointed tips.   施羅德,《印度與西藏的銅造像》,香港,1981年,頁448,122B
           Gyaltsen lightly engraves Amitayus’ silks with auspicious symbols. He  號。
           models Amitayus with slender physiognomy. The hair is distinctively
           arranged into a fringe of rounded curls before the crown. Gyaltsen   展覽
           apportions the jewelry with restraint, such that small turquoise   Lamaïstische Kunst/Art Lamaïque,法國興業銀行,布魯塞爾,1975
           settings brilliantly lead the eye over the body without distracting   年5月15日─6月30日。
           from its alluring suppleness. Lastly, in the handsome face, Gyaltsen
           elegantly captures the benevolent and restful essence of Amitayus.    來源
           Published                                         倫佩茨拍賣行,科隆,2015年4月12日,拍品81號
           Arman Neven, Art Lamaïque, Brussels, 1979, no.115.
           Ulrich von Schroeder, Indo-Tibetan Bronzes, Hong Kong, 1981,
           p.448, 122B.

           Lamaïstische Kunst/Art Lamaïque, Société Général de Banque à
           Bruxelles, Brussels, 15 May - 30 June 1975.

           Private Collection, Belgium
           Lempertz, Cologne, 12 April 2015, lot 81

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