Page 112 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 112

           A GILT SILVER AND GILT COPPER ALLOY FIGURE        銀鎏金與銅鎏金勝樂金剛像
           OF CHAKRASAMVARA                                  西藏,約1425-1450年
           TIBET, CIRCA 1425-1450                            喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61780號
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61780             高14.7釐米(5 3/4英吋)
           14.7 cm (5 3/4 in.) high
                                                             1,500,000 - 2,000,000 港元
           HK$1,500,000 - 2,000,000
           Chakrasamvara and Vajravarahi’s gendered symbolism convey   素,智慧與慈悲的結合。男身的勝樂金剛代表無上慈悲,女身的金剛
           the enlightened consciousness that arises from a union of   亥母代表廣大智慧,二者以雙身的形式結合象徵著慈悲和智慧的統
           Buddhism’s two highest virtues, wisdom and compassion. The   一。而在這尊造像中勝樂金剛與金剛亥母分別以銀鎏金與銅鎏金的手
           male Chakrasamvara represents perfected compassion, while   法製作,十分罕見,也更加增強了慈悲與智慧的象徵意涵。
           the female Vajravarahi represents perfected wisdom. Their erotic
           imagery combined represents the perfected union of these respective  技藝高超的匠師將此尊造像鑄造地美輪美奐,精美動人,勝樂金剛纓
           virtues. The rare choice of the artist and patron to cast each figure of   絡之精準,雙臂之生動,多排面孔與獸皮之逼真,實屬佳作。尤見金
           Chakrasamvara and Vajravarahi from either gilded copper or gilded   剛亥母背影,細節十分精湛。人物姿柔軟修長,指節有力而精確,手
           silver enhances the binary symbolism of this iconic subject.    握各種法器。勝樂金剛手持嘎巴拉碗內可見漩渦。攝人的細節說明造
                                                             像鑄於十五世紀,Rhie & Thurman曾指出十五世紀前後西藏造像風格
           A master craftsman cast and chased this fine sculpture. His beading   經歷了一個轉型,由十三至十四世紀的粗獷雄渾的風格轉變爲 精緻細
           within the jewelry is exact. The pendants by the couple’s legs are   膩的風格(參見Rhie & Thurman,《Wisdom and Compassion》,
           especially crisp. The array of severed heads and animal skins are   紐約,1996年,頁77,3號)。
           exceptionally engraved, seen below Vajravarahi’s attractive rear. The
           couple’s physiognomy and poise are limber. Their fingers are carefully   此造像之風格與近期發現的薩迦派匠師索南堅贊的創作風格有密切聯
           modelled, holding intricate attributes. The swirling nectar within a   繫,索南堅贊於1430年前後生活工作於江孜縣白居寺一帶,詳見(
           skullcup in one of Chakrasamvara’s hands is telling of the painstaking   瓦特,邦瀚斯,紐約,2018年3年19日,拍品3033號)。本作品高
           attention and skill devoted to creating this rare sculpture. These features   超的鑄工說明其有可能為索南堅贊親手所製。儘管細節較之稍簡,但
           indicate the time of production to be within the 15th-century, a period   不一定由後人所造,而可能由於此像尺寸小於現今所知的索南堅贊
           of Tibetan art that Rhie & Thurman sees as a deliberate transition   作品。其虎皮前爪之溝壑處理,與索南堅贊另一勝樂金剛雕塑十分一
           away from the imposing monumentality of 13th-and 14th-century   致,於2015年3月16日售於邦瀚斯,紐約,拍品18號。然而無論是否
           styles, towards a “process of refinement and elaboration.” (Rhie &   真的出自索南堅贊,此像獨特的藝術表現和對貴金屬的運用都不失為
           Thurman, Wisdom and Compassion, New York, 1996, p.77, no.3)    難得的上品。

           The sculpture’s fine details correspond with the work of Sonam   來源
           Gyaltsen, a recently identified master sculptor working for the Sakya   Doris Wiener Gallery,紐約,2002年
           near the Gyantse Kumbum around 1430 (cf. Watt in Bonhams, New
           York, 19 March 2018, lot 3033). Its quality is such that it is possible
           this is a work by Sonam Gyaltsen also, having some abbreviated
           features not because it is later or by a school, but because it is
           smaller than other sculptures so far attributed to him (ibid., for a list).
           The grooves over the tiger skin’s paws are particularly consistent
           with a larger Chakrasamvara sold at Bonhams, New York, 16 March
           2015, lot 18, since attributed to Sonam Gyaltsen. By this master or
           another, the hand of one is nonetheless indicated by the expressive
           use of precious metals and their accomplished result.

           Doris Wiener Gallery, New York, 2002

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