Page 114 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 114

           A GILT COPPER ALLOY FIGURE OF VAJRAYOGINI         銅鎏金金剛瑜伽母像
           CENTRAL TIBET, 15TH CENTURY                       藏中,十五世紀
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61814             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61814號
           19 cm (7 1/2 in.) high                            高19釐米(7 1/2英吋)

           HK$600,000 - 800,000                              600,000 - 800,000 港元

           This expressive gilded sculpture depicts Vajrayogini as she appeared   伽母向那若巴示現的形態。那若巴是印度的重要佛教祖師,屬薩迦傳
           to Naropa, one of the root Indian gurus of the Sakya school.   承。而金剛瑜伽母是藏傳佛教中最重要的空行母,即為現身現世以指
           Vajrayogini is the most important dakini in Tibetan Buddhism, which   引密宗修行者的女性神祇。儘管她大多被刻畫成舞蹈的形象,但此處
           are a class of female celestial beings who take form in this world to   金剛瑜伽母大跨步踩踏人身,仰面朝天,高舉嘎巴拉碗,氣勢非凡。
           train tantric masters in secret doctrines. Whereas she is more often   而這種瀟灑的姿態可謂是西藏藝術中最具有英雄氣概的女性形象。
           shown dancing, here Vajrayogini is cast standing on prone figures
           with her head and skullcup raised to the sky – perhaps the most   此尊造像的風格與鑄工均頗具十五世紀西藏藝術的精緻品味。造像的
           heroic pose afforded to any female figure in Tibetan art.    蓮瓣、珠飾和金剛瑜伽母纖細的面容體現了索南坚赞的造像風格。索
           The sculpture’s style and quality are indicative of Tibet’s period of   (參見瓦特,紐約邦瀚斯,2018年3月19日,拍品3033號)。本作品
           refinement in the 15th-century. While not by the master himself, the   雖非出自其手,但展現了十分相近的特徵與氣度。學者傑夫瓦特正致
           lotus petals, jewelry, and slender physiognomy echo the work of   力於整理收集由索南堅贊鑄造以及承襲了其風格的造像,參見喜馬拉
           Sonam Gyaltsen, a recently identified master sculptor commissioned   雅藝術資源網5175號。
           by the Sakya c.1430 (cf. Watt in Bonhams, New York, 19 March 2018,
           lot 3033). Watt has begun compiling a body of sculptures either by or
           similarly related to the work of Sonam Gyaltsen, see HAR set no.5175.
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