Page 118 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 118

           A GILT COPPER ALLOY FIGURE OF                     銅鎏金大輪金剛手像
           MAHACHAKRA VAJRAPANI                              西藏,十四/十五世紀
           TIBET, 14TH/15TH CENTURY                          喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61741號
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61741             高27.5釐米(10 7/8英吋)
           27.5 cm (10 7/8 in.) high
                                                             2,500,000 - 3,500,000 港元
           HK$2,500,000 - 3,500,000
           In this enthralling sculpture, Vajrapani manifests as a yidam   象護佑修行者增長功德,究竟佛法。由於上師敦珠仁千(約1309-85
           (meditational deity) - an enlightened being who can be the focus of   年)將《金剛手大輪密法》傳授給宗喀巴大師,此教法在格魯派中尤
           one’s tantric practice, bestowing powers and spiritual attainments.   為受到重視。大輪金剛手修法傳承有緒、歷史悠久,據史料記載可追
           The Mahachakravajrapani Tantra is prominent within the Gelug   溯到印度大成就者夏瓦利巴和西藏的著名譯師確吉堅贊(11世紀)
           school, having been passed to Je Tsongkhapa by his life-long   (佛教數字資源中心網,L8LS14007)。在大輪金剛手的本尊化現
           mentor, Dondrub Rinchen (c.1309-85). One recorded lineage traces   中,如此尊懷抱明妃的形象最為殊勝。
           the practice of Mahachakra Vajrapani back to the Indian mahasiddha
           Shavaripa and the Tibetan translator Chokyi Gyaltsen (11th century)   蛇是金剛手菩薩的主要標誌物之一,代表主尊平息惡力邪念之能(參
           ( L8LS14007). Depicted with his consort, this is the most   見van Alphen, 香港邦瀚斯,2016年11月29日,拍品108號)。然而
           potent meditational form of Mahachakra Vajrapani from which to   當金剛手以本尊形象出現時,蛇的角色更為突出,形象上更具張力。
           receive spiritual attainments.                    此尊金剛手大口飲食蛇毒的樣貌,實乃藏傳佛教造像中最具視覺衝擊
           Mahachakra Vajrapani overpowers a snake and bites through its
           middle. Snakes are key to Vajrapani’s wrathful symbolism, conveying   在這件重要的作品中,匠師完美精湛地呈現了大輪金剛手本尊無與倫
           his role of subduing harmful forces and converting ‘poisonous’   比的氣勢。本尊四肢健碩,姿態威嚴勇猛,雙手健壯有力,左手結
           emotions into virtue (cf. van Alphen, in Bonhams, Hong Kong, 29   無畏印高舉于明妃右側,以珠鏈和盤蛇為飾,兩腿間蛇眼炯炯有神,
           November 2016, lot 108) However, his yidam-form achieves special   栩栩如生。本尊與明妃面呈憤怒相,刻畫細緻入微、立體生動。在西
           emphasis, showing him digest a snake’s venom, one of the most   藏造像中此類造像以其無以倫比的藝術感染力而備受追捧。
           striking examples of tantric imagery in Tibetan Buddhism.
           In this significant example, the sculptor meets Mahachakra   Benny Rustenburg,香港,2006年5月8日
           Vajrapani’s unsparing imagery with equal measure. He casts the   歐洲私人收藏
           bronze densely, producing burly limbs struck in a steadfast pose. The
           hands are strong, with Vajrapani’s abhaya mudra authoritatively thrust
           forward by his consort’s right side. The artist dresses Mahachakra-
           Vajrapani with rotund beaded swags and snakes with charismatic
           gazes peering out from between the yidam’s legs. He shows nuances
           between each of the divine couple’s fierce expressions, modeling
           them with painstaking depth and clarity. Such elements typify why
           Tibetan sculpture of this kind is so lauded for its unyielding power.

           Benny Rustenburg, Hong Kong, 8 May 2006
           Private European Collection

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