Page 122 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 122

           A GILT COPPER ALLOY FIGURE OF MAHAMAYA            銅鎏金大幻金剛像
           TIBET, 15TH/16TH CENTURY                          西藏, 十五/十六世紀
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61745             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61745號
           23 cm (9 in.) high                                高23釐米(9英吋)

           HK$800,000 - 1,200,000                            800,000 - 1,200,000 港元

           This gilded sculpture presents the very rare subject of Mahamaya,   此尊銅鎏金大幻金剛像題材稀有,源自於梵語”摩訶摩耶秘儀”。舞動
           a four-armed and four-faced deity originating from the Sanskrit   的本尊有四臂及四面,與明妃空行佛母相擁,空行母同樣也呈四面四
           Mahamaya Tantra. He is shown dancing while embraced with his   臂,並持與大幻金剛一致的法器。瑪巴噶舉的沃派傳統將大幻金剛作
           consort Buddha Dakini, also appearing with four faces and four arms,  為教派的特別尊神。
           and holding the exact same attributes as her spouse. The Ngog
           lineage of the Marpa Kagyu Tradition considers Mahamaya a special   男女兩尊的手足整體造形剛健有力,兼以寫實風格詮釋,張力十足。
           deity for the lineage.                            大幻金剛佩戴淌血人頭項蔓,每個人頭的刻劃均栩栩如生,象徵著負
           Both male and female deities have been naturalistically modeled with   細,增添了韻味清新秀雅的細膩之美。
           sturdy limbs, conveying a sense of forcefulness. Mahamaya wears
           a long garland of severed heads, each vividly rendered, symbolizing   獨特火焰狀尖端的蓮花瓣沿襲了中原十五世紀早期的風格,該風格
           negative attitudes being completely cut off. At the same time, the   由永樂(1402-24)及宣德(1425-35)時期朝廷贈給西藏的銅像傳
           detailed treatment of their hair, crowns, and beaded jewelry adds   入藏區,之後被西藏匠師重新詮釋模仿。對比此蓮花座和一尊十五
           delicacy to the casting.                          世紀末至十六世紀出的銅鎏金金剛總持像(參見Rhie與Thurman,
                                                             《Wisdom and Compassion: The Sacred Art of Tibet》,紐約,1991
           The distinct flame-tipped lotus petals largely follow the early 15th   年,頁357,147號)。
           century Chinese style, known in Tibet through Yongle (1402-24) and
           Xuande (1425-35) bronzes gifted by the Ming court, and mimicked   德頓藝術學會收藏(館藏編號1980.12)的一件銅鎏金大幻金剛像在
           in Tibetan sculptures shortly after. Compare the lotus throne with a   風格上與本作品相似。這兩件造像中空行母均身著由環形瓔珞垂帶和
           gilt bronze Vajradhara attributed to the late 15th/early 16th century   長流蘇組成的圍裙,並鑲有寶石。大幻金剛的人頭骨冠及大圓型耳飾
           by Rhie and Thurman, Wisdom and Compassion: The Sacred Art of   同樣也以近似的風格呈現。
           Tibet, New York, 1991, p.357, no.147.
           See a stylistically related gilt bronze Mahamaya yab-yum in the   Benny Rustenburg,香港,2007年11月9日
           collection of The Dayton Art Institute (acc. no. 1980.12). Dakini’s   歐洲私人收藏
           aprons in the two sculptures closely resemble each other with
           beaded shot loops and long tassels, embellished with inset stones.
           Mahamaya’s skull crown and large circular earrings are also treated in
           similar manner.

           Benny Rustenburg, Hong Kong, 9 November 2007
           Private European Collection

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