Page 126 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 126

This mandala likely forms the final painting of a set of approximately   根據尊勝佛母壇城的佈局,判斷其可能為一組約四十四張唐卡的系列
           forty-four based on the Vajravali of Abhayakaragupta (11th century).   當中的一幅。該系列根據密教大師無畏生護(十一世紀)的主要著述
           The palette is strong and vibrant, consistent with many portraits and   之一《金剛鬘》繪製而成。該唐卡設色明麗大膽、色彩豐富鮮明,與
           mandalas that have survived from Ngor monastery. For example,   許多鄂爾寺至今存世的大量祖師壇城唐卡風格十分統一。比較一幅售
           compare with the Thirty-Two Deity Guhyasamaja mandala sold at   於邦瀚斯的密集金剛三十二尊壇城,紐約,2014年3月17日,拍品18
           Bonhams, New York, 17 March 2014, lot 18 that was dated by   號,此密集金剛唐卡的題款可將繪製年份定於1520-1533年間。
           inscriptional evidence c.1520-1533.
           A very similar Sakya mandala of Paramasukha Chakrasamvara in    Leidy&Thurman,《Mandala》,1997年,頁92-3。此張勝樂金剛壇
           the McCormick Collection is published in Leidy & Thurman, Mandala,   城唐卡同樣來自於鄂爾寺,唐卡上的提款可使其定代為西元1500年
           1997 pp.92-3. Also from Ngor monastery, it bears inscriptional   前後。勝樂金剛壇城唐卡與此張尊勝佛母壇城兼與長壽灌頂相關。
           evidence that dates it c.1500. Like this Ushnishavijaya mandala, it is
           associated with tantric practice to promote long-life.    與其他同類唐卡相較,此尊勝佛母壇城唐卡中心主尊尺寸更大。佛母
           The mandala is unusual for the large size of its central figure. The   摺繪製地十分精湛細膩。這些豐富細膩的特徵在同時期的其他壇城作
           painter sets Ushnishavijaya against the green, blue, and red of her   品中往往並不存在。另論一張相關作品,藏與Alain Bordier基金會的
           immediate aureole to project her outwards like a dazzling light.   五部護法壇城唐卡,其構圖及中心本尊設色十分相近,詳見施羅德,
           The proportions allow for the fine treatment of her pale green and   《Tibetan Art of the Alain Bordier Foundation》,香港,2009年,頁
           maroon lower garments, draped in sumptuous folds across her lap.   40-1,圖14。
           These features are often absent at the center of more conventional
           mandalas of the period. A Pancharaksha Mandala of strikingly similar   來源
           composition, sharing a brilliant white figure in its center is held in the   歐洲私人收藏
           Alain Bordier Foundation (von Schroeder, Tibetan Art of the Alain   Rossi and Rossi,倫敦,2001年
           Bordier Foundation, Hong Kong, 2009, pp.40-1, pl.14).    Carlton Rochell Asian Art,紐約,2003年
           Private European Collection
           Rossi and Rossi Ltd, London, 2001
           Carlton Rochell Asian Art, New York, 2003
           Private Collection, New York

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