Page 124 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 124

           TIBET, NGOR MONASTERY, CIRCA 1500-50              西藏,鄂爾寺,約1500-50年
           Distemper on cloth; verso with repeated Tibetan, ‘om, ah, hum’,   布本設色,背面以黑色藏文題有「嗡阿吽」三字真言;原裝原裱,
           invocations in black ink; with original cloth mount, and original    原配紅漆天地杆上以金色藏文題寫「尊勝佛母與眾神」。
           red lacquered dowel inscribed in gold Tibetan translated,   喜馬拉雅藝術資源網88540號
           ‘Ushnishavijaya with Many Deities’.               畫心:50.9x44.2釐米(20x17 3/8英吋);
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.88540             裝裱:85.2x48.4釐米(33 1/2x19英吋)
           Image: 50.9 x 44.2 cm (20 x 17 3/8 in.);
           With silks: 85.2 x 48.4 cm (33 1/2 x 19 in.)      3,200,000 - 4,000,000 港元

           HK$3,200,000 - 4,000,000                          皎潔無暇的尊勝佛母身如秋月,面含微笑,自在地端坐於壇城的正
           Glowing in white from the center of her celestial palace, the Wisdom   一手持十字金剛杵於胸前,二手托蓮座,上為阿彌陀佛,三手持箭,
           Goddess, Ushnishavijaya, calmly smiles. She has three faces   四手施願印置右腿前,左第一手忿怒拳印持絹索,二手上揚作施無
           of white, yellow, and blue, the last being slightly wrathful. In her   畏印,三手執弓,四手定印托甘露寶瓶。十字金剛杵之綠,藍,黃,
           eight radiating arms she holds a lotus-borne red Amitabha, a bow   紅,白五色,正對應了尊勝佛母壇城的五色。
           and arrow, a vase of plenty, a lasso, and displays the gestures of
           reassurance (abhaya mudra) and wish-granting (varada mudra). At   此尊勝佛母唐卡結構複雜,壇城中另有三十二位神祇圍繞著尊勝佛
           the center, before her bosom, she balances a five-colored visavajra,   母,每尊端坐於蓮瓣之中,類似造像壇城的佈局(參考Huntington,
           itself a color-coordinated microcosm of her abode.    《Circle of Bliss》,哥倫布,2003年,頁254,68號)。壇城周圍以
           Adding to the painting’s complexity, Ushnishavijaya’s palace is also
           inhabited by thirty-two deities. Each reclines against a lotus petal similar   此外,十六尊供養天女在宮殿的樓閣上翩翩起舞。壇城牆飾花蔓珠簾
           to the imagery of sculptural mandalas (cf. Huntington, Circle of Bliss,   飄帶。四扇城門上華蓋懸掛於宮門,法輪的標幟側面左右各有一鹿,
           Columbus, 2003, p.254, no.68). A ring of thirty-two petals surrounds the  象徵釋迦牟尼的智慧。無量壽佛以及阿彌陀佛交替繪於壇城四方角落
           palace, symbolizing the purified minds of these retinue deities.    的護境之外。居於畫芯上下緣分別為薩迦派祖師以及尊勝佛母。

           Furthermore, sixteen tiny offering goddesses dance around the
           palace’s veranda. Its walls are decorated with garlands and
           streamers. Its four gates are surmounted by parasols under which
           deer flank a Dharma-wheel – symbols of Shakyamuni’s wisdom.
           Beyond the palace’s protective ring, alternating figures of Amitayus
           and Amitabha populate the painting’s corners and top and bottom
           registers. In the bottom center, sits another figure of Ushnishavijaya,
           and in the top center, a Sakya teacher.

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