Page 128 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 128

           A PAINTED LEATHER RITUAL CROWN                    彩繪皮革五佛法冠
           WITH THE FIVE PRESIDING BUDDHAS                   西藏,約十五世紀
           TIBET, CIRCA 15TH CENTURY                         每一冠葉背面繪有五方佛所對應的種子字。
           The back of each panel also painted with an empowering    喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61800號
           monogram of the corresponding Buddha.             每冠葉高16.8釐米(6 5/8 英吋)
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61800
           Each panel: 16.8 cm (6 5/8 in.) high              160,000 - 200,000 港元

           HK$160,000 - 200,000                              此類五佛法冠於重要儀式以及灌頂禮上配戴,每片冠葉上繪有一尊五
           Such crowns are worn during initiation and empowerment rites.
           Each Presiding Buddha represents an aspect of the initiate’s   一件密切相關之金邊寶冠見戴於(Tingley,《Buddhas》,Crocker
           transmuted perfection, and the crown is worn to mark the dissipation  Museum of Art,2009年,90頁,圖26)。相關之其他法冠分別收
           of his or her selfhood into the dharamakaya.      藏或記載於:紐約大都會博物館(館藏編號1985.391及1997.52
                                                             號);Reynolds著,《Tibetan Collection》,紐華克,P6號;
           A closely related crown with gilt frame is published in Tingley,   《Orientations》,1998年10月,62頁;Menzies著,《Goddess》,
           Buddhas, Crocker Museum of Art, 2009, p.90, pl.26. Compare   悉尼,2006年,149號;Huntington 及 Bangdel著,《Circle of Bliss》
           with others in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York   ,62號。
           (1985.391&1997.52); Reynolds, Tibetan Collection, Newark, no.P6;
           Orientations, October 1998, p.62; Menzies, Goddess, Sydney, 2006,   來源
           no.149; Huntington & Bangdel, Circle of Bliss, no.62.    蘇富比,紐約,1992年12月5日,拍品29號
           Sotheby’s, New York, 5 December 1992, lot 29
           Private Collection, Washington

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