Page 130 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 130

           TIBET, 15TH CENTURY                               西藏,十五世紀
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61807             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61807號
           28.5 cm (11 1/4 in.) high                         高28.5釐米(11 1/4英吋)

           HK$800,000 - 1,200,000                            800,000 - 1,200,000 港元

           This fine sculpture depicts the Presiding Buddha Amoghasiddhi,   此尊造像鑄工精細,造型華美,生動地刻劃了不空成就佛。不空成就
           whose name means, “He Whose Accomplishments Are Not in   為五智如來中的北方佛,其名意為能以大智慧成就一切如來事業與眾
           Vain”. Amoghasiddhi, identified by his hand gesture of reassurance,   生事業。佛陀結全跏趺坐於蓮花寶座,右手施無畏印,能淨化所有嫉
           exemplifies a Buddha’s transcendence over jealousy.    妒與煩惱。

           His hands are elegantly modelled with a fleshy palm and precise   造像雙手塑造得栩栩如生,手掌厚實綿軟,手指微微彎曲,弧度
           fingers. His svelte body is enfolded in a luxurious robe with a   優美。其法身修長,身著華貴佛衣,雙層衣緣設計獨具匠心,較繁
           distinctive double-layered hem. The more prominent hem is engraved  複一層衣緣以粟米紋樣裝飾,較窄一層飾有幾何半菱形圖案。與此
           with a ‘rice grain’ motif. It is stitched over a thinner hem engraved   幾乎完全一致的雙層衣緣設計也出現於江孜千佛塔內的十五世紀壁
           with geometric half-lozenges. This doubled treatment draws direct   畫中(參見Henss,《Cultural Monuments of Tibet》,卷2,慕尼
           comparison to a 15th-century mural of Buddha in the Gyantse   黑,2014年,頁537,圖770)。佛衣於右肘處自然下滑,衣緣翻折
           Kumbum (see Henss, Cultural Monuments of Tibet, vol.2, Munich,   自然寫實,露出素淨裡層。另一尊十五世紀的銅佛像也體現了同樣的
           2014, p.537, fig.770). So does the hem’s naturalistic twist when   袈裟處理手法,參見Uhlig,《On the Path to Enlightenment》,蘇黎
           the robe slackens around the right elbow, revealing an unpatterned   世,1995年,頁53,圖13。
           underside. The same twist is seen on a 15th-century bronze Buddha
           published in Uhlig, On the Path to Enlightenment, Zurich, 1995, p.53,  喜馬拉雅藝術資源網收錄了一尊與此尊不空成就佛極為相似的銅鎏金
           no.13.                                            坐佛,其面部特徵與衣著刻劃與本作品如出一轍,目前藏於私人收藏
           A very closely related gilt bronze Buddha, with similar face and
           almost identical treatment of drapery, is in a private collection
           (HAR item no.23955).

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