Page 132 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 132

           AN IVORY FIGURE OF SYAMATARA                      象牙綠度母像
           MING DYNASTY, 15TH CENTURY                        明朝,十五世紀
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61785             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61785號
           12 cm (4 3/4 in.) high                            高12 釐米(4 3/4英吋)

           HK$1,500,000 - 1,800,000                          1,500,000 - 1,800,000 港元

           Syamatara gently extends her right hand in the boon-granting   此尊綠度母右手施予願印,庇佑信眾於憂慮及厄難之中,其祥和目光
           gesture, offering protection from fear and danger. Her benevolent   流露慈悲佛性底蘊。雖然象牙材質脆弱、不易雕刻,匠人以精湛的技
           gaze alone suffices to convey her compassionate nature. The   藝在蓮莖及髮帶處大膽鏤空,細部僅接於毫厘之間。綠度母左手所持
           sculptor has adopted a daring design for a fragile material like ivory   蓮莖完全與手臂脫離,技巧高超。
           – hollowing out several areas around the delicate lotus stalks and
           ribbons, leaving standalone elements barely connected to each other.  比照另一尊風格相近的清宮舊藏正統年間(1435-49)銅鎏金觀音像
           Even the thin lotus stem held in the deity’s left hand is completely   (見《藏傳佛教造像》,香港,2008年,頁232,221號),本作品
           detached from her arm. Clearly, the work is a sophisticated execution  製作年份應為十五世紀。雖然兩者所用媒材不同,但均有風格相似的
           of high artistic skill.                           三葉寶冠、上揚的冠側結帶、圓形花狀耳環、流蘇頸飾、絲滑的帔
           A close stylistic parallel, a gilt bronze Avalokiteshvara from the   花瓣形狀雖較為扁平,但與銅像的花瓣屬同類型態,此種蓮瓣由宣德
           Zhengtong period (1435-49) in the Qing Palace Collection, supports   年間(1425-35)的較窄瓣形衍生而來。
           a 15th-century date for this ivory Tara (see Zangchuan fojiao
           zaoxiang, Hong Kong, 2008, p.232, no.221). Despite different
           mediums, they share similar three-jeweled crown leaves, upturned
           side ribbons, flower-roundel earrings, beaded necklaces with loops
           and tassels, fluid scarves, lotus buds and stalks, and prominent folds
           along the legs. Also closely comparable are the flame-tipped wide
           petals on the base. Although the ivory petals appear flatter, they
           are of the same type as the bronze, which derived from a narrower
           version seen in the Xuande Period (1425-35).

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