Page 138 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 138

           A SILVER FIGURE OF BUDDHA                         銀質佛陀坐像
           TIBET, 15TH CENTURY                               西藏,十五世紀
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61791             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61791號
           12.5 cm (5 in.) high                              高12.5釐米(5英吋)

           HK$450,000 - 550,000                              450,000 - 550,000 港元

           Skillfully modeled with a powerful frame in a commanding posture,   此尊銀質佛像鑄工精湛,氣勢非凡,勝妙端嚴,充滿張力。佛陀施觸
           Buddha performs the earth-touching mudra in reference to the   地印,召地神見證釋尊悟成正覺。目光下歛,神態靜謐祥和。造像細
           moment of his enlightenment. His downcast eyes evoke his serenity.   節考究,擴口魚尾狀衣襬輕掛於左肩,袈裟衣帶裙襬邊緣可見精緻紋
           The figure is rich in refined detail, such as the crisply executed robe   飾。寬闊的額頭、胸部與雙肩承襲紐瓦爾藝術風格。一尊類似的銀質
           with embroidered hems, and the flared fishtail hem over his left   佛像於佳士得售出,紐約,2012年3月20日,拍品102號。
           shoulder. His broad forehead, pronounced chest, and wide shoulders
           are reminiscent of Newari styles. A similar silver figure of Buddha was
           sold at Christie’s, New York, 20 March 2012, lot 102.
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