Page 142 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 142

           A SILVER INLAID GILT COPPER ALLOY FIGURE          錯銀鎏金袞桑巴尼達紮巴國王(1514–1560)銅像
           OF KING KUNZANG NYIDA DRAKPA (1514–1560)          西藏,十六世紀
           TIBET, 16TH CENTURY                               底座前緣刻有藏文銘文:「讚袞桑巴尼達紮巴」。
           Inscribed in Tibet at the front of the base:      喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61737號
           [k]un bzang nyi zla gargs pa la na mo; In praise of    高15釐米(6英吋)
           Kunzang Nyi Da Dragpa
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61737             800,000 - 1,200,000 港元
           15 cm (6 in.) high

           HK$800,000 - 1,200,000                            的羚羊皮上。身上的珠帶以及骷髏及珠飾點綴的髮髻均表明其涉足於
           This enigmatic figure is depicted as a tantric master (siddha), seated   進口中原絲綢。
           on an antelope skin draped over the lotus platform. His beaded
           cross-body bands, and carefully arranged clothbound topknot   此銘文見證造像可能描繪於1529年登基芒域貢堂的袞桑巴尼達紮巴
           embellished with skulls and beaded swags, further indicate his   國王(1514-1560年)。他極力支持佛教發展,除了贊助無數神聖
           tantric practice and features shared with the famous master Tsang   形象的鑄造,他亦常被當時的文獻所提,足證影響。尤其觸目的一
           Nyong Heruka. The robe is deeply incised with especially bold floral   舉為贊助桑吉堅贊撰寫密勒日巴的生平,文獻都由後者的門弟於光
           elements that may suggest local Tibetan garb as opposed to more   明洞(od gsal phug)準備。此造像可見匠人以桑吉堅贊的形象昇華
           formal imported Chinese silks.                    描繪袞桑巴尼達紮巴國王,以示感恩及專敬。僅此特別鳴謝Yannick
           Based upon the inscription this portrait could represent King
           Kunzang Nyida Drakpa (1514–1560) who ascended the throne of   著錄
           Mangyul Gungthang in 1529. This ruler is known as a generous   Meinrad Maria Grewenig 等(編),《Buddha - 2000 Years of
           patron of Buddhism. He commissioned multiple sacred images and   Buddhist Art》,弗爾克林根,2017年,頁418,編號182。
           is mentioned in many printed books of the time. Of particular interest
           is the fact that Kunzang Nyida Drakpa sponsored a particular edition   展覽
           of the biography of Milarepa by Tsangnyon Heruka (gtsang smyon   Buddha - 2000 Years of Buddhist Art ,弗爾克林根,2016年6月25
           heruka) (1452–1507) which was prepared by the disciples of the   日 - 2017年3月5日。
           latter at the Luminous Cave (od gsal phug). The present image could
           perhaps be the apotheosis of the donor as Tsangnyon Heruka or   來源
           a token of gratitude and act of merit celebrating the king of Gung   Pantheon Worldwide Ltd,香港,2011年10月27日
           thang. We are grateful to Yannick Laurent for his assistance in   歐洲私人收藏
           researching this lot.

           Meinrad Maria Grewenig et al. (eds), Buddha - 2000 Years of
           Buddhist Art, Völklingen, Germany, 2017, p.418, no.182.

           Buddha - 2000 Years of Buddhist Art, Völklingen, Germany, 25 June
           2016 -5 March 2017

           Pantheon Worldwide Ltd, Hong Kong, 27 October 2011
           Private European Collection
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